
Vim plugin for working with projects for COMPSCI 187 at UMass Amherst.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


vim-187 is a Vim plugin for working with projects for COMPSCI 187: Programming with Data Structures at UMass Amherst.

Warning: vim-187 currently sets all Java files to use tabs instead of spaces, because this is how the starter code for COMPSCI 187 projects is. If this isn't what you want, put let g:ds_tabsforjava=0 in your Vim configuration file. A more clever solution for the tab/space thing will hopefully come out soon.


vim-187 may be installed with Vim plugin managers, such as vim-plug. You can also just paste 187.vim from the plugins directory into your own plugins directory, but then you won't get automatic updates through Git.

After you install, you must tell vim-187 where your copy of JUnit 4 is (JUnit 3 will not work). You can do this by putting

let g:ds_junitlocation="/path/to/your/junit-4.x.jar"

in your Vim configuration file. By default, this value will be set to /usr/share/java/junit.jar.

You may also set g:gs_gradescopeurl to the URL for your specific course's page (https://www.gradescope.com/courses/XXXXX) so that :DSOpenGS will take you directly there instead of to your Gradescope homepage (the default behavior). :DSOpenGS requires that Python be installed and available on your path as "python".


  • :DSBuild to compile your project
  • :DSTest to compile your project and show JUnit test results
  • :DSOpenGS to open Gradescope in your web browser
  • :DSZip [filename] to create a ZIP archive of your project for uploading to Gradescope