
LISP 1.5 is to all Lisp dialects as Beowulf is to English literature.

Primary LanguageClojureGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


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LISP 1.5 is to all Lisp dialects as Beowulf is to English literature.

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What this is

A work-in-progress towards an implementation of Lisp 1.5 in Clojure. The objective is to build a complete and accurate implementation of Lisp 1.5 as described in the manual, with, in so far as is possible, exactly the same behaviour — except as documented below.

BUT WHY?!!?!


Because Lisp is the only computer language worth learning, and if a thing is worth learning, it's worth learning properly; which means going back to the beginning and trying to understand that.

Because there is, so far as I know, no working implementation of Lisp 1.5 for modern machines.

Because I'm barking mad, and this is therapy.


Working Lisp interpreter, but some key features not yet implemented.

Project Target

The project target is to be able to run the Wang algorithm for the propositional calculus given in chapter 8 of the Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual. When that runs, the project is as far as I am concerned feature complete. I may keep tinkering with it after that and I'll certainly accept pull requests which are in the spirit of the project (i.e. making Beowulf more usable, and/or implementing parts of Lisp 1.5 which I have not implemented), but this isn't intended to be a new language for doing real work; it's an educational and archaeological project, not serious engineering.

Some readline-like functionality would be really useful, but my attempt to integrate JLine has not (yet) been successful.

An in-core structure editor would be an extremely nice thing, and I may well implement one.

You are of course welcome to fork the project and do whatever you like with it!


Invoke with

java -jar target/uberjar/beowulf-0.3.0-standalone.jar --help

(Obviously, check your version number)

Command line arguments as follows:

  -h, --help                               Print this message
  -p PROMPT, --prompt PROMPT               Set the REPL prompt to PROMPT
  -r INITFILE, --read SYSOUTFILE           Read Lisp sysout from the file SYSOUTFILE 
                                           (defaults to `resources/lisp1.5.lsp`)
  -s, --strict                             Strictly interpret the Lisp 1.5 language, 
                                           without extensions.

To end a session, type STOP at the command prompt.

Building and Invoking

Build with

lein uberjar

Reader macros

Currently SETQ and DEFUN are implemented as reader macros, sort of. It would now be possible to reimplement them as FEXPRs and so the reader macro functionality will probably go away.

Functions and symbols implemented

Function Type Signature Implementation Documentation
NIL Lisp variable ? The canonical empty list. See manual pages 22, 69s
T Lisp variable ? The canonical true value. See manual pages 22, 69
F Lisp variable ? The canonical false value. See manual pages 22, 69
ADD1 Host lambda function x:number Add one to the number x.
AND Host lambda function expr* PREDICATE T if and only if none of my args evaluate to either F or NIL, else F.

In beowulf.host principally because I don't yet feel confident to define varargs functions in Lisp.
APPEND Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 11, 61
APPLY Host lambda function ? Apply this function to these arguments in this environment and return the result.

For bootstrapping, at least, a version of APPLY written in Clojure.

All args are assumed to be symbols or beowulf.cons-cell/ConsCell objects.

See page 13 of the Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual.
ASSOC Lisp lambda function, Host lambda function a:list ? If a is an association list such as the one formed by PAIRLIS in the above example, then assoc will produce the first pair whose first term is x. Thus it is a table searching function. All args are assumed to be beowulf.cons-cell/ConsCell objects. See page 12 of the Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual.

NOTE THAT this function is overridden by an implementation in Lisp, but is currently still present for bootstrapping.
ATOM Host lambda function x:expr PREDICATE Returns T if and only if the argument x is bound to an atom; else F. It is not clear to me from the documentation whether (ATOM 7) should return T or F. I'm going to assume T.
CAR Host lambda function list Return the item indicated by the first pointer of a pair. NIL is treated specially: the CAR of NIL is NIL.
CAAAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CAAADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CAAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CAADAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CAADDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CAADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADDAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADDDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDAAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDAADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDADAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDADDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDAAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDADR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDDAR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDDDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDDR Lisp lambda function list ? ?
CDR Host lambda function list Return the item indicated by the second pointer of a pair. NIL is treated specially: the CDR of NIL is NIL.
CONS Host lambda function expr, expr Construct a new instance of cons cell with this car and cdr.
CONSP Host lambda function o:expr ? Return T if object o is a cons cell, else F.

NOTE THAT this is an extension function, not available in strict mode. I believe that Lisp 1.5 did not have any mechanism for testing whether an argument was, or was not, a cons cell.
COPY Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 62
DEFINE Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Bootstrap-only version of DEFINE which, post boostrap, can be overwritten in LISP. The single argument to DEFINE should be an association list of symbols to lambda functions. See page 58 of the manual.
DIFFERENCE Host lambda function x:number, y:number Returns the result of subtracting the number y from the number x
DIVIDE Lisp lambda function x:number, y:number see manual pages 26, 64
DOC Host lambda function ? ? Open the page for this symbol in the Lisp 1.5 manual, if known, in the default web browser.

NOTE THAT this is an extension function, not available in strct mode.
EFFACE Lisp lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION see manual pages 63
ERROR Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Throw an error
EQ Host lambda function ? PREDICATE Returns T if and only if both x and y are bound to the same atom, else NIL.
EQUAL Host lambda function ? PREDICATE This is a predicate that is true if its two arguments are identical S-expressions, and false if they are different. (The elementary predicate EQ is defined only for atomic arguments.) The definition of EQUAL is an example of a conditional expression inside a conditional expression. NOTE: returns F on failure, not NIL
EVAL Host lambda function ? Evaluate this expr and return the result. If environment is not passed, it defaults to the current value of the global object list. The depth argument is part of the tracing system and should not be set by user code. All args are assumed to be numbers, symbols or beowulf.cons-cell/ConsCell objects. However, if called with just a single arg, expr, I'll assume it's being called from the Clojure REPL and will coerce the expr to ConsCell.
FACTORIAL Lisp lambda function ? ? ?
FIXP Host lambda function ? PREDICATE ?
GENSYM Host lambda function ? Generate a unique symbol.
GET Host lambda function ? From the manual: 'get is somewhat like prop; however its value is car of the rest of the list if the indicator is found, and NIL otherwise.'

It's clear that GET is expected to be defined in terms of PROP, but we can't implement PROP here because we lack EVAL; and we can't have EVAL here because both it and APPLY depends on GET.

OK, It's worse than that: the statement of the definition of GET (and of) PROP on page 59 says that the first argument to each must be a list; But the in the definition of ASSOC on page 70, when GET is called its first argument is always an atom. Since it's ASSOC and EVAL which I need to make work, I'm going to assume that page 59 is wrong.
GREATERP Host lambda function ? PREDICATE ?
INTEROP Host lambda function ? ? ?
INTERSECTION Lisp lambda function ? ? ?
LENGTH Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 62
LESSP Host lambda function ? PREDICATE ?
MAPLIST Lisp lambda function ? FUNCTIONAL see manual pages 20, 21, 63
MEMBER Lisp lambda function ? PREDICATE see manual pages 11, 62
MINUSP Lisp lambda function ? PREDICATE see manual pages 26, 64
NOT Lisp lambda function ? PREDICATE see manual pages 21, 23, 58
NULL Lisp lambda function ? PREDICATE see manual pages 11, 57
NUMBERP Host lambda function ? PREDICATE ?
OBLIST Host lambda function ? Return a list of the symbols currently bound on the object list.

NOTE THAT in the Lisp 1.5 manual, footnote at the bottom of page 69, it implies that an argument can be passed but I'm not sure of the semantics of this.
ONEP Lisp lambda function ? PREDICATE see manual pages 26, 64
OR Host lambda function ? PREDICATE T if and only if at least one of my args evaluates to something other than either F or NIL, else F.

In beowulf.host principally because I don't yet feel confident to define varargs functions in Lisp.
PAIR Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 60
PAIRLIS Lisp lambda function, Host lambda function ? ? This function gives the list of pairs of corresponding elements of the lists x and y, and APPENDs this to the list a. The resultant list of pairs, which is like a table with two columns, is called an association list. Essentially, it builds the environment on the stack, implementing shallow binding.

All args are assumed to be beowulf.cons-cell/ConsCell objects. See page 12 of the Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual.

NOTE THAT this function is overridden by an implementation in Lisp, but is currently still present for bootstrapping.
PLUS Host lambda function ? ?
PRETTY ? ? ?
PRINT ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION see manual pages 65, 84
PROG Host nlambda function ? The accursed PROG feature. See page 71 of the manual.

Lisp 1.5 introduced PROG, and most Lisps have been stuck with it ever since. It introduces imperative programming into what should be a pure functional language, and consequently it's going to be a pig to implement. Broadly, PROG is a variadic pseudo function called as a FEXPR (or possibly an FSUBR, although I'm not presently sure that would even work.) The arguments, which are unevaluated, are a list of forms, the first of which is expected to be a list of symbols which will be treated as names of variables within the program, and the rest of which (the 'program body') are either lists or symbols. Lists are treated as Lisp expressions which may be evaulated in turn. Symbols are treated as targets for the GO statement.
  • GO: A GO statement takes the form of (GO target), where target should be one of the symbols which occur at top level among that particular invocation of PROGs arguments. A GO statement may occur at top level in a PROG, or in a clause of a COND statement in a PROG, but not in a function called from the PROG statement. When a GO statement is evaluated, execution should transfer immediately to the expression which is the argument list immediately following the symbol which is its target. If the target is not found, an error with the code A6 should be thrown.
  • RETURN: A RETURN statement takes the form (RETURN value), where value is any value. Following the evaluation of a RETURN statement, the PROG should immediately exit without executing any further expressions, returning the value.
  • SET and SETQ: In addition to the above, if a SET or SETQ expression is encountered in any expression within the PROG body, it should affect not the global object list but instead only the local variables of the program.
  • COND: In strict mode, when in normal execution, a COND statement none of whose clauses match should not return NIL but should throw an error with the code A3... except that inside a PROG body, it should not do so. sigh.
Flow of control: Apart from the exceptions specified above, expressions in the program body are evaluated sequentially. If execution reaches the end of the program body, NIL is returned.

Got all that? Good.
PROP Lisp lambda function ? FUNCTIONAL see manual pages 59
QUOTE Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 10, 22, 71
QUOTIENT Host lambda function ? I'm not certain from the documentation whether Lisp 1.5 QUOTIENT returned the integer part of the quotient, or a realnum representing the whole quotient. I am for now implementing the latter.
RANGE Lisp lambda function ? ? ?
READ Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION An implementation of a Lisp reader sufficient for bootstrapping; not necessarily the final Lisp reader. input should be either a string representation of a LISP expression, or else an input stream. A single form will be read.
REMAINDER Host lambda function ? ?
REPEAT Lisp lambda function ? ? ?
RPLACA Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Replace the CAR pointer of this cell with this value. Dangerous, should really not exist, but does in Lisp 1.5 (and was important for some performance hacks in early Lisps)
RPLACD Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Replace the CDR pointer of this cell with this value. Dangerous, should really not exist, but does in Lisp 1.5 (and was important for some performance hacks in early Lisps)
SEARCH Lisp lambda function ? FUNCTIONAL see manual pages 63
SET Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Implementation of SET in Clojure. Add to the oblist a binding of the value of var to the value of val.

NOTE WELL: this is not SETQ!
SUB1 Lisp lambda function, Host lambda function ? ?
SUB2 Lisp lambda function ? ? ?
SUBLIS Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 12, 61
SUBST Lisp lambda function ? see manual pages 11, 61
SYSIN Host lambda function ? ? Read the contents of the file at this filename into the object list. If the file is not a valid Beowulf sysout file, this will probably corrupt the system, you have been warned. File paths will be considered relative to the filepath set when starting Lisp. It is intended that sysout files can be read both from resources within the jar file, and from the file system. If a named file exists in both the file system and the resources, the file system will be preferred.

NOTE THAT if the provided filename does not end with .lsp (which, if you're writing it from the Lisp REPL, it won't), the extension .lsp will be appended.

NOTE THAT this is an extension function, not available in strct mode.
SYSOUT Host lambda function ? ? Dump the current content of the object list to file. If no filepath is specified, a file name will be constructed of the symbol Sysout and the current date. File paths will be considered relative to the filepath set when starting Lisp.

NOTE THAT this is an extension function, not available in strict mode.
TERPRI ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION see manual pages 65, 84
TIMES Host lambda function ? ?
TRACE Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Add this s to the set of symbols currently being traced. If s is not a symbol or sequence of symbols, does nothing.
UNION Lisp lambda function ? ? ?
UNTRACE Host lambda function ? PSEUDO-FUNCTION Remove this s from the set of symbols currently being traced. If s is not a symbol or sequence of symbols, does nothing.
ZEROP Lisp lambda function ? PREDICATE see manual pages 26, 64

Functions described as 'Lisp function' above are defined in the default sysout file, resources/lisp1.5.lsp, which will be loaded by default unless you specify another initfile on the command line.

Functions described as 'Host function' are implemented in Clojure, but if you're brave you can redefine them in Lisp and the Lisp definitions will take precedence over the Clojure implementations.

Architectural plan

Not everything documented in this section is yet built. It indicates the direction of travel and intended destination, not the current state.


The objective is to have within resources/lisp1.5.lsp, all those functions defined in the Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual which can be implemented in Lisp.

This means that, while Beowulf is hosted on Clojure, all that would be required to rehost Lisp 1.5 on a different platform would be to reimplement

  • bootstrap.clj
  • host.clj
  • read.clj

The objective this is to make it fairly easy to implement Lisp 1.5 on top of any of the many Make A Lisp implementations.


This file is essentially Lisp as defined in Chapter 1 (pages 1-14) of the Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual; that is to say, a very simple Lisp language, which should, I believe, be sufficient in conjunction with the functions provided by beowulf.host, to bootstrap the full Lisp 1.5 interpreter.

In addition it contains the function INTEROP, which allows host language functions to be called from Lisp.


This file provides Lisp 1.5 functions which can't be (or can't efficiently be) implemented in Lisp 1.5, which therefore need to be implemented in the host language, in this case Clojure.


This file provides the reader required for boostrapping. It's not a bad reader - it provides feedback on errors found in the input - but it isn't the real Lisp reader.

Intended deviations from the behaviour of the real Lisp reader are as follows:

  1. It reads the meta-expression language MEXPR in addition to the symbolic expression language SEXPR, which I do not believe the Lisp 1.5 reader ever did;
  2. It treats everything between a double semi-colon and an end of line as a comment, as most modern Lisps do; but I do not believe Lisp 1.5 had this feature.


What's surprised me in working on this is how much more polished Lisp 1.5 is than legend had led me to believe. The language is remarkably close to Portable Standard Lisp which is in my opinion one of the best and most usable early Lisp implementations.

What's even more surprising is how faithful a reimplementation of Lisp 1.5 the first Lisp dialect I learned, Acornsoft Lisp, turns out to have been.

I'm convinced you could still use Lisp 1.5 for interesting and useful software (which isn't to say that modern Lisps aren't better, but this is software which is almost sixty years old).


Download the latest release 'uberjar' and run it using:

    java -jar <path name of uberjar>

Or clone the source and build it using:

    lein uberjar`

To build it you will require to have Leiningen installed.


Lisp 1.5 greatly predates modern computers. It had a facility to print to a line printer, or to punch cards on a punch-card machine, and it had a facility to read system images in from tape; but there's no file I/O as we would currently understand it, and, because there are no character strings and the valid characters within an atom are limited, it isn't easy to compose a sensible filename.

I've provided two functions to work around this problem.


SYSOUT dumps the global object list to disk as a single S Expression (specifically: an association list). This allows you to persist your session, with all your current work, to disk. The function takes one argument, expected to be a symbol, and, if that argument is provided, writes a file whose name is that symbol with .lsp appended. If no argument is provided, it will construct a filename comprising the token Sysout, followed by the current date, followed by .lsp. In either case the file will be written to the directory given in the FILEPATH argument at startup time, or by default the current directory.

Obviously, SYSOUT may be called interactively (and this is the expected practice).


SYSIN reads a file from disk and overwrites the global object list with its contents. The expected practice is that this will be a file created by SYSOUT. A command line flag --read is provided so that you can specify

Learning Lisp 1.5

The Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual is still in print, ISBN 13 978-0-262-13011-0; but it's also available online.

Other Lisp 1.5 resources

The main resource I'm aware of is the Software Preservation Society's site, here. It has lots of fascinating stuff including full assembler listings for various obsolete processors, but I failed to find the Lisp source of Lisp functions as a text file, which is why resources/lisp1.5.lsp is largely copytyped and reconstructed from the manual.

Other implementations

There's an online (browser native) Lisp 1.5 implementation here (source code here). It even has a working compiler!

History resources

I'm compiling a list of links to historical documents on Lisp 1.5.


Copyright © 2019 Simon Brooke. Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.