
A simple GUI app for visualising curved 2D surfaces and their geodesics

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Curved Space visualiser

Obligatory screenshot goes here

I'll come clean. My end goal is to visualise what a wormhole would actually look like. Not a physically accurate one, but at least a mathematically accurate one - what you'd get if you cut out a subspace in a pair of $\mathbb{R}^3$ spaces and connected them with a "tube". I'm nowhere near that, right now.

As a predecessor step, I'd like to do that for a pair of $\mathbb{R}^2$ spaces. Stepping back further, I'd like to understand how curved space behaves, mathematically, full stop. On that bit, I feel I'm making progress.

More on that later. First, what is this, and how do you run it?

What is this?

This program renders a curved 2D space (embedded in 3D, with a choice of 2D surfaces), and lets you point a line through it, seeing how the line curves over the space. There are various controls you can use, I'm lazy (well, actually extremely low on energy) and I'll let you figure them out by yourself, reading the source if necessary.

Building and running


To run with glutin and winit:

cargo run --features=glutin_winit

To run with sdl2:

cargo run --features=sdl2

Running with sdl2 is not recommended, as the egui-based GUI is disabled, effectively rendering it useless. This is really a stub for future work.


To run with web-sys:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
mkdir -p generated
wasm-bindgen target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/curved-space.wasm --out-dir generated --target web
cp index.html generated

web.sh has been provided to do this, for convenience. You may need to do cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli first, if you haven't done wasm work before.

CORS prevents you opening this as a file in a web browser, but you can start a small local web browser, e.g. python3 -m http.server 8080 in the generated directory.

The maths

There's a lot of maths behind differential geometry that I've never really mastered. I have a copy of Darling's Differential Forms and Connections, and the bits of it I've read are very good (and differential forms are a pleasant generalisation of the 3D div, curl and grad, and seem to have a lot in common with geometric algebra), but I've not made it all the way through.

I felt that when it comes to understanding curved spaces, maybe I should take a practical "work it out for yourself" approach.

I also still don't understand how General Relativity (GR) is supposed to work, and understand the maths to be hard. Maybe I can try to understand the behaviour of geodesics in curved space independent of the physics?

So, here I am. The clever way of understanding curved space is as an entity in itself. The dumb way is as a subspace of a higher-dimension Euclidean space. IIUC they encompass the same spaces, but the former is a much more elegant representation. I'm using the latter, hopefully as a stepping stone to deeper understanding, as it's certainly the most intuitive way to start.

Starting off

Starting off, I ended up putting a lot of effort into just getting anything to display in OpenGL, working on both web and native, with an egui interface. The maths was very much secondary!

As such the kind of space we show is simply a uni-valued function in the Z direction of values in the X and Y directions. As I go along, I've been having ideas about how to generalise this to... more general spaces. I have ideas, but I'm not clear yet. Do I want to use an atlas of flattish pieces, or maybe an implicit surface?

Then, there's my approach for tracing a "geodesic" on the surface. Scare quotes because I'm making this up as I go along, and have no real mathematical basis so far.

The current approach is to trace the curve step by step by extrapolating the line between the last two points to get an approximate point in 3-space, likely off the 2-space surface (unless it's locally perfectly flat), and then projecting that point down to the nearest point on the 2-space surface (using the Euclidean 3-space metric).

Why does this feel like it should work? Well, any three non-linear points define a plane. By projecting that point from the linear extrapolation down to the nearest point in the surface, I think we're finding the plane that intersects the surface in the curve of least curvature (i.e. closest to being a line).

Why do we want the least curved path? A straight line is the shortest path between two points. I feel this is massively handwavey and informal, yet enough to feel like something's about right here.

Qualitatively, it works, too! Positive curvature bends lines one way, negative curvature the other. Hurrah.


Yet I've not got any real mathematical basis for this. It's just an approach that feels right to me. Why am I even pushing this code in this state? Well, my health is making me ultra-low-energy at this point. I don't know how much progress I'll make in how long, so I want to checkpoint my progress, such as it is. So, here we are.

A failure to check the shortest path

The point of a geodesic is that it's the route with the shortest length between the two end points. So, if I have an appropriximation to that path made with a sequence of points (like I think I do), any variation on those points should produce a longer path, right?

In the limit, dealing with the curve rather than a finite set of points, this is the calculus of variations, but trying to check optimality on a finite set of points will involve a lot less maths.

My idea is to perturb each point in turn along the path, and see if it makes the path (locally) longer.

Does this work? No.

I'm approximating the curve with a series of line segments. If I move a point perpendicular to the curve, and it's anywhere near optimal, a movement of size $\delta$ leads to a change in length of size $O(\delta^2)$. The size of the change of curve length is lost in the error associated with the piecewise linear approximation to the curve.

Looks like proper maths will be needed after all.

Success in checking the shortest path

Following the calculus of variations approach, I've come up with some equations that represent the local version of "curve of minimal length". This is going to be a well-established result, but it's fun to rederive on your own.

As there's a bunch of equations and it goes on a bit, I've put my derivation into maths.md.

When I replace the naive curvature check with checking that the path I'm generating matches these equations, it does look like the path satisfies these equations, and a bad path does not. Success!

Next steps

Proposed plan:

  • Write up the curve length integral, and how a local constraint can be generated from this.
  • Think about using the local constraint to generate the path, instead of "straight line and nearest point".
  • Think about why these two approaches generate the same result?
  • Think about how this can be generalised to more complicated surfaces and/or higher dimensions.
  • UI improvements.

And beyond

End goals are:

  • To be able to trace rays through a "wormhole" surface that can then be generalised into a curved space raytracer in 3D.
  • To understand how to describe the curvature of space at a particular point, independent of an embedding space. I think I'm trying to reinvent the curvature tensor used in GR.

Design choices on the coding side

I wanted to build something that could target web and native. It didn't need to be particularly lightweight - on the web side, I just wanted it to be accessible on the web, not neatly and lightly fitting into some other web page. I wanted to use Rust as it's my favourite programming language.

I wanted to use some form of modern OpenGL. I have experience of old-school OpenGL, wanted the opportunity to learn the modern pipeline, and felt it had a nice balance between being portable and not requiring me to do wheel reinvention, as might be required for more low-level graphics libraries.

Quite frankly, it probably makes more sense to do this kind of thing in some kind of scripting language or even computational maths environment. It would certainly allow me to cut to the chase. I just like building things from the bottom up and having a lot of control. I like to build production infra, and tend to work like that even for projects that are entirely different.

When it comes to GL libraries, I chose glow as it seems to be simple, popular, cross-platform (including wasm) and maintained.

For GUI control elements, I chose egui, a nice immediate-mode system. Previously I'd used it as the GUI framework for some tools I've built, this time I'm using it as a library (i.e. it's no longer "in control") to drive the UI elements.

Other than that, there are some pretty standard libraries, AFAICT.

There is something of a conspicuous lack of tests. It's not that the code is untestable, it's more that it's more hassle than I want for a simple hobby project like this. It's a bunch of UI code wrapping some numerical code. Testing GUIs is a well-known pain. Testing numerical code, in my experience, is usually very regression-testing-like: checking that if you put these numbers in, you get these numbers out. The problem is, as I toy around with that, trying to learn, I don't really know what the right numbers are! So, no tests right now.