FX Monitor is a monitoring application data flows. It has been developped as a proof of concpet to show possibilties when using new trendy applicative stack.
- Spring - Fwk: showcases of how most well known DI fwk works
- Spring - Boot: showcases of how to package application in spring boot container
- Spring - Data: showcases of how to integrate hibernate using spring-data
- Thymeleaf - Web page rendered using Thymeleaf
- AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- TrNgGrid - A feature rich Angular grid using standard HTML tables (DEPRECATED)
- Start Bootstrap - Start Bootstrap - SB Admin 2 Bootstrap Admin Theme
You just need Maven installed and run:
$ mvn clean install -T 8
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Open your favortie browser (Chrome actually :)):
- Add spring-security
- Add view tests samples
- Finalize features of screens (Transcodifications/Administration)