
Primary LanguageCSS


  • Fix last fm suggestion input
  • Improve the item grid
  • Make collection tray prettier
  • Logged in (profile view) / Logged out (landing page)
  • Login form
  • Success register takes user to their logged in landing page (profile view)
  • Clear suggestions prints default suggestions if no lastfm account
  • Register error messaging
  • Hide login link after register (logged in)
  • Make collection prettier!
  • Unlogged in profile views show a create your own chart link and users username
  • Login form to check for email/password
  • Tidy up mobile view
  • Bind Nav to proper pushState history, router, something for nav


Temp build of https://github.com/jsncbt/hipcharts until it gets updated with this version.


git clone git@github.com:jsncbt/hipcharts.git
cd hipcharts
npm i
coffee server.coffee

May need to ensure mongod is running

Sample RPC Code (Coffeescript)

# register, login, logout
ss.rpc 'app.register', {username: 'jsncbt', password: 'sshhh', chart:[{title:'Acid Rap'},{title:'Born Sinner'}]}
ss.rpc 'app.authenticate', {username: 'jsncbt', password: 'sshhh'}
ss.rpc 'app.logout'

# list someone's public collection
ss.rpc 'app.getCollection', {username: 'jsncbt'}, ({success, user}) ->
  console.log user.chart

There are also helper functions login(), register(), logout() which moslty just wrap the above RPC calls


  • ability to LABEL a chart, then show other charts with that same label! e.g. "Best 5 albums of 2013", "Top 10 Rappers", "5 artists to watch in 2014"
  • artist/track switcher might be best.
  • comments on each entry?