
An extremely basic two hour introduction to visualisation tools.

Primary LanguageCSS

Website for a visualisation workshop

This is a website written with asciidoctor. The website is listed above this repository. The below instructions are simply if you want to make a local version of the website. I don’t expect anyone to do this; these notes are more for my own benefit. You will meed to install ruby, rubygems and bundler to get it working.

Install the ruby package bundler using

$ gem install bundler

1. Turning these files into pdf or html

If you want to set up your own book and website, skip to the next section. These instructions are just for turning the template into pdf and html files.

We will use bundler, which manages asciidoctor and a a bunch of other stuff, to turn these files into pdf and html. The template files do this work for you so all you need to do to egt started is install ruby, rubygems and bundler and then clone this repository into the directory of your choice from Github.

Once you have bundler installed, you can build the book with:

$ bundler install
$ bundle exec rake book:build

This will build html and pdf versions of the book.

You can also build an html only version:

$ bundler install
$ bundle exec rake book:build_html
The build process will make a folder called images in the root directory, which on some systems must be deleted before new builds. This is a particular problem on Windows systems, where sometimes windows will stupidly not let you delete the thumbs.db file it automatically generates. To get around this, right click on the images directory and unselect read only, then you should be able to delete the folder. In general, however, as long as you do not look in the images directory you will not have this problem.

1.1. Quick build asciidoctor (i.e., not using bundler)

You can also quickly generate the document by installing asciidoctor, and then running it on the LSDTT_Book.asc file:

$ gem install asciidoctor
$ asciidoctor Book_template_top.asc
This quick generation will give you the text and cross-linking, but the images will not be linked. For images to be properly linked you need to run bundle exec (see above).