
Numdoc Lint provides features such as NumPy style docstring code checking.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Numdoc Lint

Numdoc Lint provides features such as NumPy style docstring checking in Python code.

What is NumPy-style docstring?

Descriptions of Python functions, modules, or classes written in the following format.

def sample_func(sample_arg_1, sample_arg_2=100, sample_arg_3='Apple'):
    Sample function description.

    sample_arg_1 : int
        First sample argument description.
    sample_arg_2 : int, default 100
        Second sample argument description.
    sample_arg_3 : str, default 'Apple'
        Third sample argument description.

    sample_return_value : int
        Sample return value.
    return 100

For more details, please see A Guide to NumPy/SciPy Documentation.

Main features

  • Check lacked docstring description.
  • Check arguments and docstring Parameters section mismatching.
    • Also will be checked argument default value and docstring optionally.
  • Check arguments order.
  • Check return value and docstring Returns section mismatching.
  • Check Jupyter notebook's docstring also.


Python version

  • Python 3.6 or later.


  • six


$ pip install numdoclint


Python interface

Check single module

A single module will be checked with the check_python_module function.

>>> import numdoclint
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='../pandas/pandas/core/arrays/array_.py')

Then Lint results will be displayed on standard output, as followed:

The function description is not set to docstring.

There is an argument whose explanation does not exist in docstring.
Target argument name: data


List of dicts will be returned, as followed:

>>> lint_info_list

[{'module_path': '../pandas/pandas/core/arrays/array_.py',
  'func_name': 'array',
  'info_id': 6,
  'info': 'The function description is not set to docstring.'},
 {'module_path': '../pandas/pandas/core/arrays/array_.py',
  'func_name': 'array',
  'info_id': 2,
  'info': 'There is an argument whose explanation does not exist in docstring.\nTarget argument name: data'},

Check modules recursively

If execute check_python_module_recursively function, then Numdoc Lint will check target directory recursively.

>>> import numdoclint

>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module_recursively(
...     dir_path='../numpy/')
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=lint_info_list)
>>> df.head(n=3)
0setupThe function description is not set to docstring.6../numpy/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_app.py
1setupThere is an argument whose explanation does no...2../numpy/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_app.py
2setupWhile the return value exists in the function,...9../numpy/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_app.py
>>> df[100:103]
100time_bincountThe function description is not set to docstring.6../numpy/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_function_...
101time_weightsThe function description is not set to docstring.6../numpy/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_function_...
102setupThe function description is not set to docstring.6../numpy/benchmarks/benchmarks/bench_function_...

Verbose setting

If you only need lint result list, and not necessary standard output, then set verbose argument to 0 and stdout will be disabled.

>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='../pandas/pandas/core/arrays/array_.py',
...     verbose=0)

Ignore specified functions

If you want to skip functions with a specific prefix, set prefix names to the skip_decorator_name_list argument (default is [test_]).

>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='../pandas/pandas/core/arrays/array_.py',
...     ignore_func_name_prefix_list=['test_', '_main', '__init__'])

Ignore specified IDs check

You can specify IDs to ignore_info_id_list argument to ignore. The ID corresponds to the return value's info_id.

# sample.py

def sample_func():
    Sample function.

    price : int
        Sample price
>>> import numdoclint
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py',
...     verbose=0)
>>> lint_info_list
[{'module_path': './sample.py',
  'func_name': 'sample_func',
  'info_id': 12,
  'info': 'While the return value document exists in docstring, the return value does not exist in the function.'}]

>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py',
...     ignore_info_id_list=[12],
...     verbose=0)
>>> lint_info_list

Or you can also specify ID's constant to argument.

>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py',
...     ignore_info_id_list=[
...         numdoclint.INFO_ID_LACKED_RETURN_VAL,
...     ],
...     verbose=0)
>>> lint_info_list

Parameters default check

By default, the following docstring Parameters default specification will not be checked.

def sample_func(price=100):
    Sample function.

    price : int, default 100
        Sample price.

If want to check default specification (e.g., , default 100, , default is 100, (default 100), or , optional) strictly, then set enable_default_or_optional_doc_check argument to True.

>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='../pandas/pandas/core/frame.py',
...     enable_default_or_optional_doc_check=True)
While there is no description of default value in docstring, there is a default value on the argument side.
Argument name: orient
Argument default value: "dict"

Check Jupyter notebook

By using the check_jupyter_notebook and check_jupyter_notebook_recursively interface, you can check Jupyter notebooks as well as Python modules.

check_result_list = numdoclint.check_jupyter_notebook(
check_result_list = numdoclint.check_jupyter_notebook_recursively(

ignore_func_name_prefix_list, ignore_info_id_list, and enable_default_or_optional_doc_check arguments described above are also available.

Command line interface

You can run the check as well with the following command:

$ numdoclint -p ./sample/path.py

The following arguments are provided. Only --path argument is required, other arguments are optional.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Python module file path, Jupyter notebook path, or
                        directory path.
  -r, --check_recursively
                        If specified, check files recursively.In that case,
                        you need to specify the directory in the path
  -j, --is_jupyter      If specified, check target will become Jupyter
                        notebook. If not, Python module will be checked.
                        A prefix list of function name conditions to ignore.
                        e.g., 'test_,sample_'. Comma separated string is
  -i IGNORE_INFO_ID_LIST, --ignore_info_id_list IGNORE_INFO_ID_LIST
                        List of IDs to ignore lint checking. e.g, '1,2,3'. Comma
                        separated integer is acceptable.
  -o, --enable_default_or_optional_doc_check
                        If specified, the `default` and `optional` stringin
                        docstring will be checked.
                        If a decorator name in this list is set to function,
                        that function will not be checked. Specify if
                        necessary for docstring-related decorators. Note: only
                        available when check Python module, not supported
                        Jupyter notebook.

Example of checking Python module recursively:

$ numdoclint -p ./sample/dir/ -r

Example of checking Jupyter notebook:

$ numdoclint -j -p ./sample/path.ipynb

Example of checking Jupyter notebook recursively:

$ numdoclint -j -r -p ./sample/dir/

Lint condition examples

Lacked docstring function description

# sample.py

def sample_func(price):
    name : str
        Sample name.
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

The function description is not set to docstring.

Lacked argument

# sample.py

def sample_func(price):
    Sample function.

    price : int
        Sample price.
    lacked_arg : str
        Sample string.
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

An argument exists in docstring does not exists in the actual argument.
Lacked argument name: lacked_arg

Lacked docstring parameter description

# sample.py

def sample_func(price, lacked_arg):
    Sample function.

    price : int
        Sample price.
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

There is an argument whose explanation does not exist in docstring.
Target argument name: lacked_arg

Lacked docstring parameter type information

# sample.py

def sample_func(price):
    Sample function.

        Sample price (type not specified).
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

Missing docstring argument type information.
Target argument: price

Lacked docstring parameter description

# sample.py

def sample_func(price, name):
    Sample function.

    price : int
    name : str
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

Missing docstring argument information.
Argument name: price

Missing docstring argument information.
Argument name: name

Argument and docstring parameter order mismatching

# sample.py

def sample_func(price, name):
    Sample function.

    name : str
        Sample name.
    price : int
        Sample price.
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

The order of the argument and docstring is different.
Order of arguments: ['price', 'name']
Order of docstring parameters: ['name', 'price']

Lacked docstring default value description

Note: Only enabled when enable_default_or_optional_doc_check=True argument specified.

# sample.py

def sample_func(price=100):
    Sample function.

    price : int
        Sample price.
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py',
...     enable_default_or_optional_doc_check=True)

While there is no description of default value in docstring, there is a default value on the argument side.
Argument name: price
Argument default value: 100

Good patterns:

  1. , default xxx specified (mainly used in Pandas):
# sample.py

def sample_func(price=100):
    Sample function.

    price : int, default 100
        Sample price.
  1. , default is xxx specified (mainly used in NumPy):
# sample.py

def sample_func(price=100):
    Sample function.

    price : int, default is 100
        Sample price.
  1. (default 100) specified (rarely used in Pands):
# sample.py

def sample_func(price=100):
    Sample function.

    price : int (default 100)
        Sample price.

Lacked argument default value, while docstring default value exists.

Note: Only enabled when enable_default_or_optional_doc_check=True argument specified.

# sample.py

def sample_func(price):
    Sample function.

    price : int, default 100
        Sample price.
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py',
...     enable_default_or_optional_doc_check=True)

The default value described in docstring does not exist in the actual argument.
Argment name: price
Docstring default value: 100

Lacked docstring of return value

# sample.py

def sample_func():
    Sample function.
    return 100
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py',
...     enable_default_or_optional_doc_check=True)

While the return value exists in the function, the return value document does not exist in docstring.

Lacked docstring return value description

# sample.py

def sample_func():
    Sample function.

    price : int
    return 100
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
...     py_module_path='./sample.py')

Docstring description of return value is missing.
Return value name: price
Return value type: int

Lacked return value, while Returns docstring section exists

# sample.py

def sample_func():
    Sample function.

    price : int
        Sample price
>>> lint_info_list = numdoclint.check_python_module(
>>>     py_module_path='./sample.py')

While the return value document exists in docstring, the return value does not exist in the function.

Testing and Lint

The following library modules are used for testing and lint.

  • pytest==4.3.1
  • pytest-cov==2.7.1
  • voluptuous==0.12.1
  • flake8==3.7.8
  • autoflake==1.3
  • autopep8==1.4.4
  • isort==4.3.16

Command to run overall tests and lint:

$ python ./run_all_tests_and_lint.py

Command to run the entire test:

$ pytest --cov=numdoclint tests/ -v

Command to run the autoflake:

$ autoflake --in-place --remove-unused-variables --remove-all-unused-imports -r ./

Command to run the autopep8:

$ autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive --recursive ./

Command to run the isort:

$ isort -rc ./

Command to run the flake8:

$ flake8 ./


The following library are used for PyPI uploading.

  • twine==1.13.0
  • wheel==0.36.2

Build command:

$ python build.py

Upload to TestPyPI:

$ twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*

Install from TestPyPI:

$ pip install --index-url https://testpypi.python.org/simple/ numdoclint

Upload to PyPI:

$ twine upload dist/*