
usefull tips/commands for several programs


Usefull tips/commands for

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Hugo
  • openssl


from https://www.udemy.com/course/docker-and-kubernetes-the-complete-guide

docker run $imageId ($command) // create and start a container (starting-> invoking/(replacing) the start command)
docker ps (-a) // show all running containers, -a -> all containers that ever ran
docker system prune // remove all unused containers/networks/dangling images/build cache

docker create $imageId // prepare filesystem/container but don’t start it yet, outputs a containerId
docker start (-a) $containerId // (re)start a container, -a -> link output to current command
docker logs $containerId // a record of all the logs from a terminated/running container is printed out/ the container isn’t restarted, it’s post-mortem

docker stop $containerId // gives the container a bit of time to shut down/clean up, defaults to a kill after 10s
docker kill $containerId // immediately terminates the container
docker exec -it $containerId $command // execute an additional command in a container, -it -> interactive terminal (else docker exec returns immediately) E.g.
docker exec -it $containerId sh // to start a shell and get full terminal access (alternativ: bash/powershell/zsh)

docker build -t $tag // tagging an image with tag: $dockerId/$projectName:$version(e.g. latest), builds Dockerfile
docker build -f Dockerfile.dev . // if you want to build a different file than Dockerfile use -f
docker commit -c $command $containerId // create image from container with command: e.g. 'CMD ["tomcat"]', see Dockerfile CMD

docker run -p $fromPort:$toPort $imageId // port-forwarding from outside port to inside port, e.g. -p 8080:8080
docker run -v ${pwd}:/app $imageId // create a volume from current folder to in-image /app folder
docker run -v /app/node_modules -v ${pwd}:/app $imageId // make sure to not overwrite /app/node_modules folder when creating the volume (notice how that part doesn't contain a ':')



FROM node:alpine

WORKDIR /app           // any following command is executed relative to this path

// copy from_path_outside_container_relative_to_buildCmd to_path_inside_container
// to e.g. include configuration files
// first ./ is current folder, ./ is relative to work directory inside the container
COPY ./package.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .                 // splitting the copy-command is a build-time optimization when building an image, because
// the 'npm install' step doesn't have to be repeated, if the package.json didn't change
// it's taken from build-cache instead

// Start command
CMD [„npm“, "start"]

docker build . // the . Is the folder context to use

Prod Dockerfile

FROM node:16-alpine as builder


COPY ./package.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .

// Start command
RUN npm run build

// same file, second phase
FROM nginx
COPY --from=builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html     // use build website from builder phase

// nginx is started automatically in nginx container

// execute Dockerfile
docker build .

Docker Compose

E.g. docker-compose.yml

version: '3'
        image: 'redis'
        restart: always // restart policy (in case container terminates)
        build: .        // look in current directory after Dockerfile

// or use context to name different filename

            context: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev

            - "8081:8081"  // local port to container port
            - /app/node_modules
            - .:/app
        command: ["npm", "start"]    // overwrite start command

Clients within a container can reference the service ids! in this case:

const client = redis.createClient({
    host: 'redis-server',
    port: 6379             // default-port for redis

docker-compose up // equivalent do docker run $imageId
docker-compose up -d // run in background
docker-compose up --biuld // rebuilds the images and runs them
docker-compose down // stop containers
docker-compose ps // only show containers belonging to the local docker-compose.yml file

Restart Policies

what to do when a container terminates/crashed/is crashing

set in docker-compose.yml

        restart: "no"(default)/always/on-failure(is exit code other than 0)/unless-stopped


hugo // generate html from hugo templates
hugo server // start a local server to hot-reloads the current site


start to execute a collection with certain environment variable and a specific ssl certificate

newman run ./collection.postman_collection.json -e ./env.postman_environment.json --ssl-client-cert-list Cert-list.json

with Cert-list.json looking like this, assuming you have a single p12-or-pfx certificate file

  "name": "some name",
  "matches": ["https://kon-instanz2.titus.gematik.solutions/*"],
  "pfx": {"src": "./path_to_your_pfx_file.p12"},
  "passphrase": "00"

or like this if private and public key have been split into separate files

  "name": "some name",
  "matches": ["https://kon-instanz2.titus.gematik.solutions/*"],
  "key": {"src": "./PRV.key"},
  "cert": {"src": "./PUB.key"},
  "passphrase": "00"

to see how you can split a p12/pfx file into public and private key, check the openssl section.


extracting private/public key

extract private key from file INPUT.p12 into file PRV.key

openssl pkcs12 -in INPUT.p12 -out PRV.key -nodes -nocerts

extract public key(s) from file INPUT.p12 into file PRV.key

openssl pkcs12 -in INPUT.p12 -out PUB.key -nokeys

if your only interested if the extraction would succeed use -info, e.g.

openssl pkcs12 -in INPUT.p12 -info -nokeys

seting up a VPN

send everything over vpn

sudo openconnect --protocol=gp --os=win --csd-wrapper=/usr/libexec/openconnect/hipreport.sh vpn.endpoint.de

only send some domains over vpn

# `...` is a space-separated list of all domains, e.g. www.heise.de, which are to be send over the vpn. all other domains won't be send over the vpn
sudo openconnect --protocol=gp --os=win --csd-wrapper=/usr/libexec/openconnect/hipreport.sh vpn.endpoint.de -s 'vpn-slice --nbns ...'