CityEngine rule set for GIS-driven symbology of survey finds and (late) Classical Greek architecture
This repository contains the set of rule files and related assets compiled in CityEngine and made available as complementary material for C. Piccoli 2018. Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity: From early modern reconstruction drawings to 3D digital 3D models. Oxford: Archaeopress. The rule set has been developed to create a more intuitive GIS-driven symbology of (architectural) survey finds and to create alternative reconstruction hypotheses of the 4th century BC urban layout of Koroneia in Boeotia, Central Greece (the 3D scene can be viewed here - WebGL required).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The rule file "Scale-StoneTypeShp.cga" for GIS-driven symbology (see Piccoli 2018, 228-32) is associated with zipped folders: assets_1 and models_1. The rule file has been used to obtain a more intuitive insight into clusters of architectural survey finds (Piccoli 2018, fig. 6.3, p. 229):
The rule file "Individual_houses_slope.cga" for the generation of (late) Classical Greek domestic architecture and the rule "streets-steps.cga" are associated with the zipped folder assets_2. Examples of houses procedurally modelled using this rule include (Piccoli 2018, fig. 6.14, p. 239):
(see the 3D model of a house on SketchFab).
After downloading the folders, change their names to 'assets' and 'models' in order to guarantee the proper relation with the rule file.