NestJS Minimum reproduction code Issue #9364




$ npm install

Running the app locally

# development
$ npm run start:all

Running the app with Docker


  • Docker
  • docker-compose
$ npm run test:docker:up

Testcase 1 at Startup

  • First Terminal: npm run test:docker:up
  • First Terminal: Kill RabbitMQ node 3: npm run test:testcase1
  • Second Terminal: npm run test:curl

=> First Terminal: EAI_AGAIN error => no connection

Testcase 2 after Startup

  • First Terminal: npm run test:docker:up
  • First Terminal: npm run test:prepare
  • Second Terminal: npm run test:curl => pong is shown
  • Second Terminal: After everything is connected, kill RabbitMQ node 3: npm run test:testcase2,
  • Second Terminal: npm run test:curl

=> First Terminal: EAI_AGAIN error => no reconnect

Expected behavior

Testcase 1

AmqpConnectionManager from producer reconnects to the next Broker and Nestjs should send to the new connected broker at startup.

Testcase 2

AmqpConnectionManager from producer reconnects to the next Broker and Nestjs should send to the new connected broker.