
Tools, Templates, and Resources for managers

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Manager Tools

Are you a new manager? An experienced one looking for some new tips, tricks, or templates? This repo contains/will contain a variety of resources.

Here's what I'm working on:

  • 1:1 template
  • First 1:1
  • 1:1 tips
  • Goal setting tips and worksheet
    • annual goals
    • quarterly goals
  • Feedback
    • annual
    • quarterly
    • weekly
  • Manager ReadMe example
  • Turn any learning session in to something interactive
    • with a special section on doing it remotely
  • Discussion Facilitation tips
  • Vision planning
  • Team quarterly goal planning
  • Performance reviews questions to think about and doing write ups
  • Offsites
  • Transitioning people back after parental leave
  • remote tools
    • video conferencing
    • chat
    • whiteboarding
    • retros/meeting notes
  • running regular meetings
    • pointers
    • different kinds of meetings
    • sample agendas

Check back periodically to see what I've added. If you or your company is interested in getting this information sooner or having it tailored to your specific situation, check out my consulting page.