
Can we create a Maltese AI Lawyer? This is the code used for the 6th May 2024 GDG session about using LLMs and RAG to answer questions about Maltese legislation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Can we create a Maltese AI Lawyer? This is the code used for the 6th May 2024 GDG session about using LLMs and RAG to answer questions about Maltese legislation.

Required tech


  • conda create -n mal
  • conda activate mal
  • conda install pip
  • pip install llama-index (Note: llama-index was at 0.10.33 at time of writing)
  • pip install llama-index-core llama-index-readers-file llama-index-llms-ollama llama-index-embeddings-huggingface
  • ollama pull llama3:8b
  • ollama pull gemma:7b
  • ollama pull phi3:3.8b
  • python3 test_e2e.py


Test and visualise embeddings generated

  • pip install matplotlib
  • python test_generate_embeddings.py
  • python visualise_embeddings.py

Persistence for all PDFs

  • docker run --name redis-vecdb -d -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 --volume ./redis_storage/:/data redis/redis-stack:latest
  • pip install llama-index-vector-stores-redis redis
  • python test_generate_embeddings.py
  • python generate_embeddings.py

Running the final result

  • Ensure the redis docker container from above is running
  • Ensure all embeddings have been generated
  • python lawyer.py