
A wrapper for the 2nd version of the API provided by https://tiltify.com, an awesome site to combine fundraising and livestreaming.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tiltify v2 API wrapper for Python 3

A wrapper for the 2nd version of the API provided by https://tiltify.com, an awesome site to combine fundraising and livestreaming.

Supported Python Versions

  • 3.*

Tested Versions

  • 3.5


pip3 install tiltify2


Import the Tiltify object from the library of the version you wish to use.

from tiltify2.tiltify import Tiltify

Initialise an instance using your API key retrieved from Tiltify. You can also state a timeout (in seconds) if you wish

tiltfy = Tiltify(api_key=my_api_key, timeout=2)

Retrieve donations, with option parameters limit, order_by and/or donation_order.

from tiltify2.tiltify import Tiltify2, Order

tiltfy = Tiltify(api_key=my_api_key, timeout=2)

five_donations_starting_from_latest_time_created = tiltify.get_donations(limit=2, donation_order=Order.DESC, order_by=Order.CREATED_AT)


If you wish to contribute - simply open a branch from develop then open a Pull Request back into develop with your changes. Here are various items which I did not add in the initial version:

  • Methods to retrieve data about awards
  • Methods to retrieve data about the campaign
  • Methods to order donations by values other than ID, Amount and Time Created
  • Async option
  • Setting up Travis for CI


Initial version written by Purrcat259, for use within the Charitybot Project during Special Effect's One Special Day event.


MIT Licence