
Welcome to Band Explorer! This application provides users with a way to search for the favorite musical artists and find out where their upcoming events will be. Check out the link to see more!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Band Explorer


An interactive application that assists users with finding nearby concerts. This application is a one-stop-shop for music fans looking to attend a live show near them, or in any city in the USA. This application will list out popular songs and most popular album along with other similar artists. These will be displayed as links that serves the user as way to listen to music. The user will receive venue information and ticket purchase information if applicable (ex. live stream events vs live shows). An "All Events" section will highlight any events that the selected artist or band will be performing at, and will be live links that will update on "Upcoming Event" section once clicked. All previous searched artists will be retained with local storage and update in the "Recently Searched Artist" section.

User Story

AS A User:

  • I WANT to be able to search for live concerts in the area of my choosing

  • SO THAT I can find a concert to see today or in the future

  • I WANT to be able to search for live concerts by band name

  • SO THAT I can see where my favorite bands are playing

  • I WANT to receive music recommendations based on the concert I choose

  • SO THAT I can decide if I would like to attend the concert.



  • BandsInTown
  • LastFM
  • Google


  • Simon Newton
  • Dany Grimaldo
  • Darko Sojanovski
  • Rishabh Surana
  • John Herman
