
Docker JsonUDP log driver

Primary LanguageGo


Log driver for Docker that sends all of the containers output to UDP port in json format. The code is inspired by https://github.com/deep-compute/docker-file-log-driver.


  • Send containers stdout/stderr to a udp port in json format.


Basic usage

Run a container using this plugin:

$ docker run --log-driver docker-jsonudp-log-driver --log-opt fpath=/testing/test.log alpine date
Tue Feb 27 06:13:36 UTC 2018


All available options are documented here and can be set via --log-opt KEY=VALUE.

Key Default Description
host Host to send logs to
port 9017 UDP Port to send logs to

Hack it

You're more than welcome to hack on this.:-)

$ git clone https://github.com/simonasr/docker-jsonudp-log-driver
$ cd docker-jsonudp-log-driver
$ make all

This will create and enable plugin. Verify that plugin is loaded end enabled successfully:

docker plugin ls