
Project in the course TDDD27 advanced web programming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript




Functional requirements:

Main scope This application shall work as a digital whiteboard that could be a possible tool for making live lectures online. One client shall be able to have an account where he can create a whiteboard and invite other clients to watch and also be able to edit writings on the whiteboard. The tools for the whiteboard shall only be a pen and a eraser. The painting shall be updated in real time dynamically for every user who is watching the whiteboard.

If time left Add some more tools like select color of pen and different pen sizes. The admin of a whiteboard shall be able to choose whether a other client shall be able to edit the whiteboard or not. Also the functionality of saving a whiteboard shall be implemented.

Technical requirements:

For the server-sided programming ExpressJS will be used and the data storage will be handled with MongoDB with the Mongoose layer. Client-side framework will be AngularJS. For handling the users the OAuth2 shall be used. For basic styling Bootstrap shall be used.