
Package to integrate iSAMs data connections in laravel

Primary LanguagePHP



Package to integrate iSAMs data connections in laravel


ISAMs an official and an unofficial interface to the underlying data in the system. The former a XML file that can be requested over HTTP, the latter a manual SQL connection to the iSAMS MSSSQL database.

This package aims to allow you to use either but maintain the same interface.


php artisan vendor:publish

Config Example


return [
  'isams' => [
    'driver' => 'xml', // Set to db to use MSSQL connection,
    'xml' => [
      'url' => 'http://url/for/isams/xml',
      'cache' => null, // Set cache time for XML file (defaults to 60 minutes)
    'db' => [
      'connection' => 'sqlsrv', // Specify the database connection you wish to use from the database.php config file

Service Provider

Add SimonBowen\IsamsDrivers\IsamsDriversServiceProvider to your Service Providers configuration found in config/app.php


This package currently provides three repositorys.

  • StaffRepository
  • PupilRepository
  • SetRepository

These can be injected via Laravels IOC

use SimonBowen\IsamsDrivers\Repositories\Contracts\StaffRepository;

class DemoController extends Controller {
  protected $repository;
  public function __construct(StaffRepository $repository)
    $this->repository = $repository;
  public function index()
    $staff = $this->repository->all();

Be sure to check out the interfaces located in SimonBowen\IsamsDrivers\Repositories\Contracts for more information on available methods.