
A workflow for Alfred 2.0 which lets the user search for YouTube videos and have them returned to Alfred.

Primary LanguagePython

YouTube Workflow for Alfred 2.0

⚠️ YouTube's API have changed since I first developed the workflow and the workflow have not been modified to use the updated API.

A workflow for Alfred 2.0 which lets the user search for YouTube videos and have them returned to Alfred.


Typing youtube followed by a search query will show the results for the query. For example, youtube rebecca black will search for Rebecca Black videos.


Below is a list of the commands that the workflow provides. Parameters in brackets are required.

  • youtube (query) or yt s|search (query) or yt (query) Searches YouTube for videos matching the query.
  • yt c|channels (query) Seaches for channels.
  • yt cv|channelvideos (query) Shows videos for the specified channel.
  • yt toprated Shows the top rated videos.
  • yt topfavorited Shows the most favorited videos.
  • yt mostviewed Shows the most viewed videos.
  • yt mostpopular Shows the most popular videos.
  • yt mostrecent Shows the most recent videos.
  • yt mostdiscussed Shows the most discussed videos.
  • yt mostresponded Shows the videos with most responds.
  • yt recentlyfeatured Shows videos which have recently been featured.

If you find yourself having a hard time remembering the commands, remember that they will show up in autocompletion if you type yt.


This workflow is developed by @simonbs