
A graph-based tool for visualizing effective access and resource relationships in AWS environments.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

auspex [ˈau̯s.pɛks] noun: An augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds.

awspx is a graph-based tool for visualizing effective access and resource relationships in AWS environments.

Quick start

Install (see installation) and run the ingestor

awspx ingest

Browse to localhost and enjoy!


awspx requires Docker.

git clone git@github.com:FSecureLABS/awspx.git
cd awspx && ./INSTALL 

Things to check

  • SELinux may prevent the docker container from doing everything it needs to.
  • As part of setting up, the docker container will add iptables rules. You may need to adjust your iptables configuration to get awspx to work.
  • The docker container runs a Neo4j database and will forward the TCP ports 7687, 7373 and 7474 to the same ports on the host system. This will conflict with an existing Neo4j installation on the host (e.g. BloodHound) and you will need to disable that before running awspx.
  • The docker container also forwards to TCP port 80.

AWS permissions

The following AWS-managed policies can be used.

  • SecurityAudit will allow you to ingest everything except S3 objects.
  • Add ReadOnlyAccess to also ingest S3 objects (warning: this can be very slow).

Data collection

Once awspx has been installed, the ingestor can be invoked by running awspx on the command line. You can then create a profile by running:

awspx profile --create profilename

This command will use aws configure to prompt you for your AWS access key ID and secret. Once that is set up, you can run the ingestor with this command:

awspx ingest --profile profilename

Further commands and arguments are provided for tweaking ingestion and attack path computation, and for managing AWS profiles and Neo4j databases. Run awspx -h and awspx {profile|ingest|attacks|db} -h to learn more.

Supported services: IAM, EC2, S3, Lambda


awspx ingest --profile my-account --services EC2

The ingestor will pull only IAM and EC2 data using the my-account profile and store it in a database named my-account.db.

awspx ingest --profile my-account --services S3 --database db-for-s3

The ingestor will pull only IAM and S3 data using the my-account profile and store it in a database named db-for-s3.db.

awspx ingest --profile my-account --except-types AWS::S3::Object \
      --except-arns arn:aws:s3:::broken-bucket,arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:123456789012:instance/i-1234

awspx will pull data for all supported services using the my-account profile, but will not attempt to load S3 objects, and will also not load the bucket named broken-bucket or the EC2 instance named i-1234. A full list of recognised resource types can be found in lib/aws/resources.py.

awspx ingest --profile my-account --skip-attacks

awspx will pull data for all supported services using the my-account profile but will not compute attacks. This can be useful for large environments. Attacks can be computed separately later on by running awspx attacks.

awspx attacks --only-attacks AssumeRole,CreateGroup

Using the current database, awspx will only compute only the Assume Role and Create Group attacks.

awspx db --load-zip sample.zip

awspx will create a new database named sample from the CSVs in the provided ZIP file. Files must be placed in /opt/awspx/data so that they can be accessed by the docker container.

awspx db --use my-other-account

awspx will switch to displaying the specified database.

Using the frontend

Once you've loaded a database (hint: load the sample data by running awspx db --load-zip sample.zip) you can explore it by visiting localhost in your browser.

To get started, find a Resource (or Action) you're interested in and see where the path takes you (right click on Resources to bring up the context menu, left click to see its properties).

Action colors

Action Effect color palette:

  • Allow: Green edges
  • Deny: Red edges
  • Conditional: Dashed edges

Action Access Type color palette:

  • List: Yellow
  • Read: Pink
  • Write: Indigo
  • Tagging: Teal
  • Permissions Management: Purple

Actions are represented visually using a linear gradient comprised of the Effect and Access colors (in that order).

Shortcut keys

Key Action
Alt + Enter Rerun Layout
Tab Switch between Actions and Resources search view
Ctrl + Drag Box select
Ctrl + Left Click toggle selection
Delete Remove selected nodes
Escape Close properties
Ctrl + C Copy selection properties (JSON)
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + S Open search bar


awspx was developed by Craig Koorn and David Yates using Python (ingestor); Neo4j (DB); and Vue (front-end); and Cytoscape (front-end graph visualization).


awspx is a graph-based tool for visualizing effective access and resource relationships in AWS environments. (C) 2018-2019 F-SECURE CYBER SECURITY LIMITED.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.