pylambda: a lambda calculus interpreter written in python 1. Dependencies --------------- pylamdbda relies on PLY (Python Lex Yacc). You can find it at 2. Running the interpreter -------------------------- From your shell, type $ make run and you will enter the pylambda interpreter, whose prompt consist of three '>', just like the python shell. Time to play: >>> (\x.x) (\x.x) So, what happened here? We have entered the term (\x.x) ('\' is an alias for 'lambda') and we got the same term back. If you think about it, (\x.x) is in 'normal form', so it cannot be 'reduced'. Let's try with something more complicated: >>>((\x.xx))(\ (\x.xx)(\ -> (\\ (\\ -> zz(\a.zz)z zz(\a.zz)z -> zzzz zzzz Here, the interpreter picked up the expression we entered and 'reduced' it to its 'normal form', via a multi-step 'beta reduction'. As one can notice, the choice of the 'redex' to reduce at every step is made following a 'leftmost-outermost' strategy. 3. Future work -------------- pylambda is in its very early stages. It needs - better handling of lexical and syntax errors - a suite of tests - some *good* doc Moreover, it would be nice to provide, with the next releases, support for the following stuff: - alpha-conversion - church numerals - typed lambda calculus