Blank 11ty starter
This is a template so you can create new repo on github by clicking the green button 'Use this template'. Open the project folder in your code app (Visual Studio Code for me where I can press Ctrl` to open terminal for the next bit).
- npm init -y
- npm install @11ty/eleventy@latest
- npm install clean-css
in package.json change:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"scripts": {
"start": "eleventy --serve",
"build": "eleventy"
Run NPM script:
- npm start eleventy --serve
Start building out your new project!
- Create files in /src.
- Output files are in /public.
- CSS is in the _includes folder as site.css and the clean-css package minifies this and adds it as inline css in the head of the html files for sheer page load speed.