Excerpts of Gridlock is a digital art project that allows readers to own excertps from the novel, Hope Runners of Gridlock.
Uses ERC721. Using hardhat and openzeppelin for smart contracts development. Fairly standard deployment.
Running Locally:
In root folder:
Install modules:
yarn install
If you have a separate mnemonic, add to it to env.
export MNEMONIC="<insert_your_own_mnemonic_here>
yarn run node
In a separate window, init openzeppelin & deploy contracts. Initialization is simple. Choose a name + project version.
yarn run init_contracts
Add contracts to the OpenZeppelin configuration. This is necessary to get a proper networks object in the build file (due to a temp bug).
yarn run add_contracts
yarn run deploy_contracts
Deploy ERC721. It will mint 15 excerpts.
yarn run publish_contracts
Run the server.
yarn run start
To deploy to a testnet or mainnet, just add or use the existing network in the openzeppelin networks.js. It uses Infura to deploy and thus you also need to export your own Infura ID (like your mnemonic for deployment).
Code License: MIT