
dApp for sub-contractors to be paid for completed work that is vetted by contractor

Primary LanguageRust

Near Enough

dApp for sub-contractors to be paid for completed work by a timestamp issued by contractor


This contract allows contractors to award Jobs to sub-contractors.

Example Story

For the sake of this explanation, we'll assume two users: Alice and Bob

  1. Alice wants some work completed by a due date. So she creates a new job for the Near Enough community to search and apply for
  2. Bob is looking for work and so looks through the Jobs available on Near Enough
  3. Bob finds a job he wants to inquire for and submits a request to undertake the job and complete it
  4. Alice reviews applicants and approves Bob to do job
  5. Bob goes ahead and does the job and submits his progress for approval by Alice
  6. Alice, as the job owner, approves the finished work and funds are released to Bob
  7. Otherwise the due date for the job lapses and the job is void giving Alice the chance to let another contractor apply for it or to remove the job from Near Enough

Getting Started

This repository makes use of the following:


  1. clone this repo
  2. run cargo test -- --nocapture
  3. explore the contents of src/

See below for more convenience scripts ...


Run unit tests

yarn test:unit                # asp --verbose --nologo -f unit.spec

Run simulation tests

These tests can be run from within VSCode (or any Rust-compatible IDE) or from the command line.

yarn test:simulate            # yarn build:release && cargo test -- --nocapture

Run all tests

yarn test                     # yarn test:unit && test:simulate

UI workflow

UI Workflow


File Structure

This contract is designed to be self-contained and so may be extracted into your own projects and used as a starting point. If you do decide to use this code, please pay close attention to all top level files including:

  • Rust artifacts
    • Cargo.toml: Rust project dependencies and configuration
    • Cargo.lock: version-locked list of Rust project dependencies

The core file structure:

├── README.md                           <-- this file
├── Cargo.toml                          <-- config
├── build                               <-- compiled contracts (WASM)
│   ├── debug
│   └── release
├── simulation
│   └── lib.rs                          <-- simulation tests
├── src
│   └── lb.rs                           <--   contract source code
└── wireframes                          <-- wireframe images

Future Development

Some ideas for future feature development:

  • Automate approval of submissions based on ability to complete past jobs. Reputation score perhaps

Key Contributors