Represents one account.
Contains information about the given discount, as well as a list of AccountingTypes.
array(AccountingTypeInterface) <accountingTypes>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Account\DiscountInterface <discount>
Represents an Accountingitem.
Contains information about the concerned mandator id, date and amount of charges.
string <description>
int <mandatorId>
string <accountingDate>
int <chargeCount>
Represents a specific type of accountings.
Contains information of the type id, amount, price and currency,
as well as a list of AccountingItems.
int <typeId>
int <amount>
float <price>
string <currency>
array(AccountingItemInterface) <accountingItems>
Represents one discount.
Contains information about price and discount in percent.
string <description>
float <percent>
float <price>
Represents a list of BlackListItems for one specific mandator.
int <mandatorId>
array <items>
Represents one blacklisted e-mail address with description
string <email>
string <description>
Represents one attribute of a container.
Contains information about name, label, type, mandatoriness, visibility, etc.
int <id>
string <name>
string <label>
int <typeId>
int <groupId>
string <helpText>
string <inputHelpText>
bool <mandatory>
bool <visible>
string <replacementVariable>
bool <allowOptions>
Represents a group for ContainerAttributes.
int <id>
string <name>
int <sortOrder>
Represents one option for ContainerAttributes.
int <id>
string <name>
string <label>
int <order>
Represents a role type for ContainerAttributes
int <id>
string <name>
Standard folder of an object class
int <id>
string <name>
List of HashMapItems
array(HashMapItemInterface) <items>
Holds an alphanumeric value by an alphanumeric key
string <key>
string <value>
Representates a background job.
Contains information about state, method, resource and amount of chunks in the result.
string <id>
int <status>
string <statusDescription>
string <namespace>
string <method>
int <resourceId>
int <resultChunks>
Represents the result of a background job.
Contains information about state, method, result and the amount of result items.
string <id>
int <status>
string <statusDescription>
string <namespace>
string <method>
int <resourceId>
int <resultChunks>
array(HashMapInterface) <result>
int <chunksLeft>
int <resultSize>
Result of a mass profile update.
<updated> and <created> are HashMaps:
Key: id of the updated or created profile, value: value of the field "key_attribute_name"
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Generic\HashMapInterface <updated>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Generic\HashMapInterface <created>
array(string) <ignored>
array(string) <error>
Evalanche object like mailing, image, template, etc.
int <id>
string <name>
string <url>
int <typeId>
int <folderId>
int <mandatorId>
Id and description of an Evalanche object's type
int <id>
string <description>
Availability of a particular service
string <status>
string <randomMessage>
Reference to an article in a mailing
int <id>
int <articleId>
int <targetGroupId>
int <htmlPresetId>
int <textPresetId>
int <landingpagePresetId>
int <pdfPresetId>
int <mobilePresetId>
int <sortPos>
int <slot>
Represents one click on a link.
Contains information about the link type (link to landing page, pdf version, etc.), link id, time and profile.
int <id>
int <profileId>
int <timestamp>
int <linkId>
int <linkTypeId>
int <parentId>
Contains information about the configuration of a specific mailing
like campaign id, individual salutations, reply address, input fields, etc.
string <externalTrackingCode>
string <campaignId>
string <externalXmlUrl>
string <salutationFemale>
string <salutationMale>
string <salutationCompany>
string <salutationFamily>
string <salutationOther>
string <senderEmail>
string <senderName>
string <replyName>
string <replyEmail>
string <grantUrl>
string <revokeUrl>
string <inputfield0>
string <inputfield1>
string <inputfield2>
string <inputfield3>
string <inputfield4>
string <inputfield5>
string <inputfield6>
string <inputfield7>
string <inputfield8>
string <inputfield9>
string <textarea0>
string <textarea1>
string <textarea2>
string <textarea3>
string <textarea4>
string <textarea5>
string <textarea6>
string <textarea7>
string <textarea8>
string <textarea9>
string <htmlarea0>
string <htmlarea1>
string <htmlarea2>
string <htmlarea3>
string <htmlarea4>
string <htmlarea5>
string <htmlarea6>
string <htmlarea7>
string <htmlarea8>
string <htmlarea9>
Contains detailed informations about a specific mailing
like timestamp, amount of recipients, subject, sendout time, etc.
int <id>
string <name>
string <url>
int <typeId>
int <folderId>
int <mandatorId>
int <timestamp>
int <recipients>
bool <sent>
string <previewUrl>
string <reportUrl>
string <adminUrl>
string <subject>
int <targetGroupId>
int <sendStartTime>
int <sendEndTime>
Represents an impression (opening) of a specific mailing.
Contains information about the profile which performed the action, as well as the timestamp.
int <id>
int <profileId>
int <timestamp>
Contains profile data and sendout state for a specific mailing and a specific profile.
int <profileId>
int <newsletterId>
int <lastStatusChange>
int <status>
string <previewUrl>
array <profileData>
Represents a combination of a specific TargetGroup id and a specific subject text.
int <targetGroupId>
string <subject>
Represents an Evalanche Mandator with id, name and domain.
int <id>
string <name>
string <domain>
Represents a PoolAttribute.
Contains information about type, name, label and options.
int <id>
int <typeId>
string <name>
string <label>
array(PoolAttributeOptionInterface) <options>
bool <hasOptions>
bool <addOptions>
Represents one option of a PoolAttribute.
Contains id and value.
int <id>
string <value>
Provides a profile activity score. Contains information about the Scoring Group Id, Scoring Type Id, Time and Score.
int <id>
int <scoringGroupId>
int <scoringTypeId>
int <timestamp>
int <score>
int <resourceId>
Represents a profile bounce status element.
Contains information about the mailing id, time, status, and profile information.
int <profileId>
int <mailingId>
int <status>
int <timestamp>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Generic\HashMapInterface <profileData>
Represents a profile group score element.
Contains information about the group id, name, activity score and profile score.
int <profileId>
int <groupId>
string <groupName>
int <activityScore>
int <profileScore>
Represents a profile tracking history element.
Contains information about tracking id, resource id, resource name, resource type id, sub resource id,
sub resource name, sub resource type id, sub url, profile id, type id, timestamp and referrer domain.
int <id>
int <resourceId>
string <resourceName>
int <resourceTypeId>
int <subResourceId>
string <subResourceName>
int <subResourceTypeId>
string <subUrl>
int <profileId>
int <type>
int <timestamp>
string <referrerDomain>
Represents a scoring group detail element.
Contains information about its Id, name, and the client.
int <id>
string <name>
int <mandatorId>
Represents a smart link element.
Contains information about its id, name and tracking url.
int <id>
string <name>
string <trackingUrl>
Represents a article statistic. Contains information his name, as well as statistics about articles of all
output formats, Landinpage click statistics, PDF and Print click statistics,
Voice click statistics, Share to Social click statistics.
int <id>
int <referenceId>
string <name>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Statistic\FormatStatisticItemInterface <overall>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Statistic\FormatStatisticItemInterface <landingPage>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Statistic\FormatStatisticItemInterface <print>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Statistic\FormatStatisticItemInterface <voice>
Scn\EvalancheSoapStruct\Struct\Statistic\FormatStatisticItemInterface <socialSharing>
array(LinkStatisticItemInterface) <links>
Represents a statistic about an article element.
Contains information about the name, the number of all clicks and the number of unique clicks.
int <id>
string <name>
int <clickCount>
int <uniqueClickCount>
Displays statistics about a browser.
Contains information about the version, as well as the number of its usage.
string <description>
string <version>
int <count>
Represents a client statistic.
Contains Information about Mail Client Statistic Items, Browser Statistic Items and Device Statistic Items.
array(MailClientStatisticItemInterface) <clients>
array(MailClientStatisticItemInterface) <browsers>
array(MailClientStatisticItemInterface) <devices>
Represents a statistic of the devices used.
Contains information about the description of the devices and the Count.
string <description>
int <count>
Displays statistics about a form element.
Contains information about its id, name, url, number of representations, number of successful transmissions,
number of errors e.g. due to duplicates, validations.
int <id>
string <name>
string <url>
int <typeId>
int <folderId>
int <mandatorId>
bool <isAlias>
int <impressions>
int <succeeded>
int <identityErrorCount>
int <duplicationErrorCount>
int <validationErrorCount>
int <mandatoryErrorCount>
Represents a generic format statistic element. Contains information about the number of clicks,
the number of unique clicks, click rate as well as relative click rate,
multiple click rate as well as relative multiple click rate.
int <clickCount>
int <uniqueClickCount>
float <clickRate>
float <clickRateRelative>
float <multipleClickRate>
float <multipleClickRateRelative>
Represents a statistic about links.
Contains information about the id, url and name as well as the number of all clicks and the number of unique clicks.
int <id>
string <url>
string <name>
int <clickCount>
int <uniqueClickCount>
Represents a statistic about the used mail clients.
Contains information about the description of the mail client as well as the number.
string <description>
int <count>
Represents a statistic about a Mailing.
Contains Information about Profile- Count, Duplicate- Count, Blacklists Count, Hard and Softbounces, Impressions.
Also includes MediaStatisticItems, ArticleStatisticItems, and LinkStatisticItems.
int <addresses>
int <recipients>
int <duplicateCount>
int <blackListedCount>
int <robinsonListedCount>
int <hardBounceCount>
int <softBounceCount>
int <unSubscribeCount>
int <impressionCount>
int <uniqueImpressionCount>
int <clickCount>
int <uniqueClickCount>
array(MediaStatisticItemInterface) <media>
array(MediaStatisticItemInterface) <articles>
array(MediaStatisticItemInterface) <links>
Represents a statistic about a media element.
Contains information about its name, the number of all clicks and the number of unique clicks.
string <name>
int <clickCount>
int <uniqueClickCount>
Represents a target group detail information.
Contains information about the target group name as well as the number of profiles contained.
string <name>
int <profileCount>
Represents the assignment of profiles in TargetGroup.
Contains information about the assignment of a profile to a TargetGroup.
int <profileId>
int <targetGroupId>
Represents a user in Evalanche.
Contains basic information about the user's name, e-mail, mandator assignment,
current status, roles, and any security policies used.
int <id>
int <mandatorId>
string <username>
string <email>
int <salutation>
string <firstName>
string <name>
string <description>
int <securityGuidelineId>
array(int) <roleIds>
bool <disabled>
string <password>
Represents a workflow, in Evalanche called a campaign.
Contains information about its id, name, description, start and end times, number of profiles, and current status.
int <id>
string <name>
int <dateStart>
int <dateEnd>
string <externalId>
int <folderId>
string <description>
int <state>
int <profileCount>