
Hybris on a docker container for developers

Primary LanguageShell


This project generates a docker image with a specific SAP Hybris Commerce, running on ubuntu:16.04. Please, note that the generated container is not meant for productive environments.

Why another Dockerfile for Hybris?

There are plenty of projects around to build a wide variety of docker images for Hybris Commerce Suite, then why am I creating another one? This project is specifically meant for developers and to run on their development machines. You typically have to deal with several different Hybris installations on different platform versions. Using Docker comes naturally when you need to have your projects and software dependencies organized.

Generating your own image

  1. Copy your Hybris bundle archive into the bundles/ directory. Docker needs to have all files at hand (under the same root as Dockerfile) to build its images
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to bin/ directory
  3. Run dh-gen script providing Hybris installation package with --bundle parameter to build your image. Here is an exmample:
$ bin/dh-gen.sh --bundle <YOUR_HYBRIS_VERSION>.zip

Optional build parameters


Specify name and tag for the container image [default value is ydocker:latest]. This comes handy when generating multiple Hybris images with different versions:

$ bin/dh-gen.sh --bundle <YOUR_HYBRIS_VERSION>.zip --name "mydockerimage:6.0.1"

In case you don't specify an image tag, docker will automatically apply ":latest". The following will generate "mydockerimage:latest" image

$ bin/dh-gen.sh --bundle <YOUR_HYBRIS_VERSION>.zip --name "mydockerimage"

By default, the container will be generated using b2c_acc recipe. You may need to specify a different recipe using the --recipe option:

$ bin/dh-gen.sh --bundle <YOUR_HYBRIS_VERSION>.zip --recipe <the_hybris_recipe>

To get a full list of recipes available, please refer to the specific Installer Recipe Reference page for your SAP Hybris version

Running the container

Once you have generated the Hybris container using dh-gen command, you can use it to run your custom codebase and configuration.

To get the full list of available docker containers on your machine, run docker images on a terminal window.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ydocker                                02848bd45a5c        8 days ago          5.48GB
ydocker                             5.5.1               c63421230a68        12 days ago         8.64GB
ubuntu                              16.04               14f60031763d        11 days ago         120MB
mysql                               5.5                 33efe4d711c7        2 months ago        256MB

You can run your own codebase directly in the Hybris container with this setup:

$ docker run -d --name <MY_CONTAINER_NAME> \
  -p 9001:9001 -p 9002:9002 \
  -v $PWD/ydocker_data/:/opt/hybris/data/ \
  -v /path/to/hybris/bin/custom/:/opt/hybris/bin/custom/ \
  -v /path/to/hybris/config/:/opt/hybris/config/:ro \

Here is the command in details:

  • docker run -d --name <MY_CONTAINER_NAME> tells docker to run a new container from <DOCKER_IMAGE>:<TAG> image and name it <MY_CONTAINER_NAME>. -d option is to run our new container in background mode
  • -p 9001:9001 -p 9002:9002 binds port 9001 of local machine to container's port 9001. Same applies for port 9002
  • -v $PWD/ydocker_data/:/opt/hybris/data/ binds volume /opt/hybris/data with a local machine's folder ydocker_data in the current directory (you can specify any directory with its full path). This will store all data into the specified folder, preserving it even if you delete the container. If you need to recreate the container from scratch you can simply bind the same directory and have your data available.
  • -v /path/to/hybris/bin/custom/:/opt/hybris/bin/custom/ binds your bin/custom project directory with the same in the Hybris container. This option allows you to run your custom codebase inside the container
  • -v /path/to/hybris/config/:/opt/hybris/config/:ro binds your custom config directory with the same in the container. The :ro string means read-only and the container is not allowed to alter its content