- 3
- 5
Legacy read-only DB with no primary key
#31 opened by yuvadm - 1
#37 opened by LensHunnel - 2
ImportError: cannot import name EmptyShortCircuit
#36 opened by mwuhid1 - 16
Django 1.6 and upcoming 1.7 compat
#28 opened by xordoquy - 1
- 1
- 6
Attempt to append to unique_together tuple
#33 opened by shangxiao - 1
ValueError: need more than 5 values to unpack
#32 opened by liangent - 0
Support python3
#29 opened by simone - 1
select_related and no
#30 opened by francescortiz - 3
Naive assumption of "quote" function and "||" operator existence and behavour?
#23 opened by francescortiz - 0
- 1
please can you put in the last version of branch 1.4.x ??
#24 opened by epineda - 2
on update cascade
#20 opened by menelike - 2
DoesNotExist error raised when instantiating composite key model with no parameters
#16 opened by khoobks-gaiaresources - 1
- 3
- 3
- 0
Some Pending Constraint for the new API fails
#14 opened by simone - 0
- 2
- 1
return_insert_id() with multi column
#8 opened by simone - 0
PostgresSQL Select IN concatenation with date fail
#10 opened by simone - 0
Generic Relation JOIN with a multiple column
#7 opened by simone - 1
SQL Compiler patch
#5 opened by simone - 1
Aggregation with compositekey
#4 opened by simone - 1
Initial syncdb fails on oracle 10g (10.2)
#6 opened by ffalcinelli - 1
- 1
Problem with InlineFormSet in the Admin
#2 opened by simone - 1
ANSI SQL select IN and delete IN
#1 opened by simone