
This project is a restFull user interface angular app for Linshare-core project


Some dependencies are required:

From the web

From Npm

From Gem

Most of the dependencies are also available by your OS packet manager

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ruby-compass

# DON'T FORGET to take the latest version
curl -o- | bash 
nvm install node

npm install jshint

sudo apt-get install -y cmake xsltproc
wget <LATEST URL from, linux 64-bit DEB>
sudo apt-get -y autoremove tidy
sudo dpkg -i tidy-*.*.*-64bit.deb
rm tidy-*.deb

Cloning the repository

# For a full clone with submodule
git clone --recursive

# Or after simple clone, to get sumbodule
git submodule update --init

Build & development

# Open a terminal and set the location to the repository cloned, for example:
cd $HOME/repositories/linshare-ui-user

# Download the node modules
npm install

# Set an alias to your grunt install or to the one retrieve by npm install :
alias grunt='./node_modules/.bin/grunt'

# You can also add the previous line to your .bashrc, to avoid settign it everytime

Run grunt for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.

Modules Architecture

├── controller.js
├── directives
│   ├── directive1.js
│   └── directive2.js
├── service.js
└── views
    ├── detail.html
    └── list.html

change current version

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=0.1.0-SNAPSHOT && mvn validate -Pupdate-version

git commit


mvn package

Deploy snapshot

mvn deploy


mvn -Dresume=false release:prepare release:perform

Hard clean

mvn -Phard-clean


A list of encountered pitfall is registered here