Create a new Windows VM and create a new AD Forest, Domain and DC

This template will deploy a new VM (along with a new VNet, Storage Account and Load Balancer) and will configure it as a Domain Controller and create a new forest and domain.

There are a number of issues\workarounds in this template and the associated DSC Script:

  1. There is no way (that I can find) to modify a VNet (or any other resource) after it has been created in a template, this template creates a DNS Server and therefore the IP address of that server needs to be specified as a DNS Server in the VNet, however in order for this VM to sucessfully deploy and be configured there needs to be a DNS Server available, this DNS Server is specified as a parameter () ideally we would update the VNet with the IP Address of the new VM once it has been deployed instead. This value should be provided in the DNSServerAddress parameter, the default value is

  2. Version 1.7 of the DSC Extension has a problem whereby the script execution policy will not allow scripts to be executed , therefore the DSC script provided updates the execution policy before the DSC extension is run and then sets it back to default once the configuration has been applied.

3. The template deployment may report failure even thought the script succeeds

Click the button below to deploy

Below are the parameters that the template expects

Name Description
newStorageAccountName Name of the storage account to create
storageAccountType Type of the storage account
    Allowed Values
  • Standard_LRS (default)
  • Standard_GRS
  • "Standard_ZRS"
deploymentLocation Location where to deploy the resource
    Allowed Values
  • West US
  • East US
  • West Europe (default)
  • East Asia
  • Southeast Asia
subscriptionId Your Azure Subscription Id
virtualNetworkName Name of the Virtual Network
virtualNetworkAddressRange Virtual Network Address Range
  • (default)
adSubnetName Name of Subnet for AD VM
adSubnet Address prefix for adSubnetName
  • (default)
adNicName The name of the NIC attached to the new VM
adNicIPAddress The IP address of the new AD VM
  • (default)
publicIPAddressName Name of the public IP address to create
publicIPAddressType Type of Public IP Address
    Allowed Values
  • Dynamic (default)
  • Static
adVMName Name for the VM
adminUsername Admin username for the VM This will also be used as the domain admin user name
adminPassword Admin password for the VM This will also be used as the domain admin password and the SafeMode password
adVMSize Size of the VM
    Allowed Values
  • Standard_A0
  • Standard_A1**(default)**
  • Standard_A2
  • Standard_A3
  • Standard_A4
adImageName Name of image to use for the VM
  • (default)
vmContainerName The container name in the storage account where VM disks are stored
adAvailabilitySetName The name of the availability set that the AD VM is created in
domainName The FQDN of the AD Domain created
domainNetbiosName The NetBIOS name of the AD Domain created
adModulesURL The URL to the zip containing the DSC package that creates and installs AD
adConfigurationFunction The name of the DSC Configuration Function that configures the VM , creates the AD Domain etc.
  • CreateADPDC.ps1\CreateADPDC(default)
addnsName The DNS prefix for the public IP address used by the Load Balancer
DNSServerAddress The DNS address of the first DNS Server used by the VNET
  • (default)
RDPPort The public RDP port for the VM