
Read All Of The Instructions

Please read all of these instructions carefully. Following these instructions is part of the test. If you don't follow the instructions it makes it harder for us to assess your work. These are the general instructions for all our interview assignments.


Please complete all 3 scenario's.

How to implement and submit your work

Remember to fork the repo

Please begin this exercise by forking the repo into your personal GitHub workspace. When you have finished your work, please email your contact at ECS with the URL of your forked repo. Please ensure that your work has been merged into the master branch of your fork. You don't need to make a pull request to put your code into our repo.

Don't spend to long

There is no time-limit on this work, if you find any of the scenarios to difficult please solve as much as you can and move on to the next one.

Present your code clearly

Please ensure that your code is well presented.

How we will assess your submission

We are just as interested in your process as your final product. We want to understand your workflow.

  • We will read your code in order to determine if your implementation matches the requirements given in the question.

  • We will look at your github commit history to see how the code you wrote changed over time.

  • We will ask you questions about your code in a code-review session. This could be in a subsequent stage of the interview process. A code review might also require you to make some changes.