Kubernetes Workshop Schedule

08:00 Orga
08:15 1,5h Part 1
09:45 Break
10:15 Cluster Setup
10:30 1,5h Part 2
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 1,25h Part 3
14:15 Short Break
14:30 Cluster Teardown
14:45 0.75h Part 4
15:30 Feedback
16:00 Doors Closing


Orga stuff. Greetings. Describing the agenda.

Part 1 (1.5h)

Step 1 (1.25h)

Work through https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/ in pairs in the browser.

During the work through: Write one-sentence definitions for the following concepts: cluster, node, pod, container, volume, deployment, service

Step 2 (0.25h)

Recapitulate concepts together in the plenum

Cluster Setup

Creating a new cluster with terraform. Describing what terraform does while the cluster is being created.

Part 2 (1.5h)

Step 1 (0.25h)

# Connect to Google Cloud Platform with account "kubernetesworkshop2019@gmail.com" (password see whiteboard)
$ gcloud init

# get k8s credentials
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials kubernetes-workshop --region=europe-west3 --project=dsg-sem-m-sose-2019

# set the namespace of your pair
$ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=groupX

Separate namespaces are necessary so that every pair can work in their own isolated space within the same cluster. Make sure you have set your namespace. You can check that via kubectl config view that it is set.

Step 2 (1h)

Create two visualizations while you follow the tutorial above:

  • Visualize the application itself with its components
  • Visualize the deployments, pods, volumes, services, nodes, etc. your application uses; get the necessary information through kubectl calls

Step 3 (0.25h)

  • Scale the application by changing the replica set amount
  • Delete pods to see the self-healing mechanisms

Part 3 (1.25h)

This part also acts as a buffer if the time is not sufficient for the previous parts.

Create two visualizations while you follow the tutorial above:

  • Visualize the application itself with its components
  • Visualize the deployments, pods, volumes, services, nodes, etc. your application uses; get the necessary information through kubectl calls

Cluster Teardown

Have a look at the workloads still in the cluster in the web view. Teardown the Kubernetes cluster through terraform.

Part 4 (0.75h)

  • "Kubernetes in the Real World in an Ecommerce Project" at the whiteboard


  • What did you like?
  • What would you do differently next time?