This package constitutes an interactive R problem set based on the RTutor package (
Author: Simon Hertle
This interactive RTutor problem set replicates some of the work from the article "Are Building Codes Effective in Saving Energy? Evidence from Residential Billing Data in Florida" by Jacobsen and Kotchen (2013). The RTutor problem set will teach you not only the implications for the policy evaluation regarding the energy building codes, but also a lot of useful R skills.
1. Installation
RTutor and this package is hosted on Github. To install everything, run the following code in your R console.
if (!require(devtools))
devtools::install_github("simonhertle/RTutorBuildingCodes", upgrade_dependencies=FALSE)
2. Show and work on the problem set
To start the problem set first create a working directory in which files like the data sets and your solution will be stored. Then adapt and run the following code.
# Adapt your working directory to an existing folder
# Adapt your user name"Jon Doe", package="RTutorBuildingCodes",
load.sav=TRUE, sample.solution=FALSE)
If everything works fine, a browser window should open, in which you can start exploring the problem set.