Fluid Particles

Easy to use flow particles, using only canvas and tween.js.
See src/index.js for examples.

The flow!


// Get Canvas
let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');

// Create Flow Canvas
let fc = new FlowCanvas({
  canvas: canvas,

// Add Pipes
fc.addPipes(new Pipe({
  // Canvas
  canvas: canvas,

  // Where it should flow
  path: [
    {x: 0, y: 0}, // Start
    {x: 250, y: 350}, //Stopover (as many as required)
    {x: 250, y: 500} // End

  // How wide is the pipe? +-15px shift from original route
  shift: 15,

  // number of particles
  numParticles: 400,

  // Speed of particles
  speed: 200,

  // Color
  color: '#0f82c8'

// Lets run!