Kantonsrat Zürich: Analyse

This is the repository for the NZZ cantonal council analysis. Here you can find all scrapers, cleaned word transcripts and analyses.

Published Stories:


Clone Git

git clone git@github.com:simonhuwiler/nzz_zh_kantonsrat_genderstudy.git

Install dependencies (would recommend doing it in a virtual environment)

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

What these scripts do:

Speeches ("Voten")

  • Download all minutes
  • Recognize and extract spoken words ("votes") per cantonal council member
  • Prepare list of members based on data from the state archives
  • Evaluate who said what and how often

Submissions ("Vorstösse")

  • Download of all submissions
  • Extract first signatories and expand with member list
  • Evaluate who submits which initiatives

Data sources

  • "API" of the Canton Council, for business only. Do not use this for members, the api is "interesting" to say the least.
  • Historical archive for members and functions. Data source also not above reproach. Manual corrections needed.


  • 0_scrape_geschaefte.ipynb: Downloads all data (session information and minutes as PDF)
  • 0_scrape_sitzung.ipynb: Downloads all submissions
  • 1_additional_data.ipynb: Loads all cantonal councils of the past using data from the state archives
  • 2_extract.ipynb: Searches PDFs and tries to extract spoken word
  • 3_clean.ipynb: Cleans the extracted word logs and adds information about the person speaking
  • 4_analyse_base.ipynb: Quantitative analyses of speeches ("Voten")
  • 5_text_analysis.ipynb: Text analyses of speeches ("Voten")
  • 6_geschaefte_analyse.ipynb: Analysis of the submitted proposals

Cleaned data you might need:

  • export/votum/votum_*.csv: Prepared spoken votes with metadata about the person speaking
  • export/geschaefte.csv: Prepared data on submitted transactions and originators
  • export/tags/tag_*.json: Tagged votes (parts of speech)
  • export/nouns/nouns_*.csv: Only nouns

Data description


property type description
name str Name of politician. Already normalized
vorname str First name of politician. Already normalized
text str Speech
page int Page Number in minutes
f string Path to minutes
sitzung_name string Name of debate (from XML-API)
sitzung_date date Date of debate (from XML-API)
sitzung_start datetime Start of debate (from XML-API). When there are more than one debates per day, a time is given
sitzung_gremium string Alway KR
dokument_titel string Title of the document (from XML-API)
partei string Party of politician at given time (can vary over time)
geschlecht string Gender
jahrgang int Year born
funktion enum Function: Präsidium, 1. Vizepräsidium, 2. Vizepräsidium or NULL
ismember bool Speaker is member of the parliament. For example: Member of the government speak at a debate but are not a member of the parliament. Be aware, there are members which were first a member of parliament and later in the gouvernment. ismember looks at the state at the day of speech


property type description
krnr str Name of submission
vorlagenr str Another number, often empty. Do not use it
titel str Title of submission
geschaeftsart enum Type of submission. One of these: Diverses, Vorlage, Postulat, Dringliches Postulat, Wahl, Einzelinitiative, Interpellation, Geschäftsbericht, Anfrage, Dringliche Anfrage, Parlamentarische Initiative, Motion, Leistungsmotion, Behördeninitiative, Tätigkeitsbericht, Bericht, Rechenschaftsbericht, Eintritt KR, Dringliche Interpellation, Finanzmotion or nan
behandelndekommission str Committee
behandelndekommissionkurzname str Committee short
direktion str Directorate
direktionKurzname str Directorate short
start date When submitted
end date When submitted end. Do not use it
eingereicht date Another date
zusammenfassung str Summary
status enum State. One of these: Erledigt, Kantonsrat, Kommission, Regierungsrat, Kommission für soziale Sicherheit und Gesundheit, Geschäftsleitung KR, Fremdbenutzer, Kantonsrat Zugriff
erstunterzeichnervorname str First signee first name
erstunterzeichnername str First signee last name
erstunterzeichneristkantonsrat bool First signee is member of parliament
erstunterzeichnerpartei str First signee party
letzterschrittstart date Last time state changed
letzterschritttyp enum Last state. One of many like Zustimmung, Ablehnung, ...
letzterschritttext str Last state text
_name str Concated name
geschlecht str Gender
jahrgang int Year born

All votes already tagged (is it a noun, verb, etc.) JSON-Array with same as in export/votum/votum_.csv*. Used HanTa for tagging.

All members of the parliament. JSON-Array. How to load, see at the end of the readme.

    "id": 21221,
    "name": "Scherrer Moser",
    "vorname": "Benno",
    "geschlecht": "m",
    "jahrgang": 1965.0,
    "einsitz": [
        "start": "2007-05-21 00:00:00",
        "end": "2100-12-31 00:00:00"
    "partei": [
        "bezeichnung": "GLP",
        "start": "2007-05-21 00:00:00",
        "end": "2100-12-31 00:00:00"
    "funktion": [
        "bezeichnung": "Präsidium",
        "start": "2021-05-03 00:00:00",
        "end": "2100-12-31 00:00:00"

Text export: How it works, what is reliable, what not

The minutes are written by hand. Although they are all based on the same template, deviations may occur. A new speech is introduced in each case with the name of the speaker in italics. The export looks for italic text beginnings that make sense in context.

The minutes usually start with the rules of procedure. There, the Council President speaks, but the formatting is often different than later in the proceedings. Since the focus was on the debate, these rules of procedure were usually not exported correctly. For furthertext analyses, it is therefore recommended to remove the votes of the acting Council President.

How to load the data (examples)

Load speeches ("Voten")

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

# Load files
df_votum = pd.concat([

# Remove non members (mostly former members who are now in the Regierungsrat)
df_votum = df_votum[df_votum.ismember == True]

# Typecast
df_votum['sitzung_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_votum['sitzung_date'])

# Remove empty texts
df_votum = df_votum[df_votum.text.notna()]

# Replace CVP with Die Mitte (you might need that)
df_votum.loc[df_votum.partei.str.lower() == 'cvp', 'partei'] = "Die Mitte"

# Remove Presidents
df_votum = df_votum[df_votum.funktion.isna()]

Load Information about members

import pandas as pd
import json
import utils

# Open member json
with open(Path('../export/mitglieder.json'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
    kantonsrat = json.load(f)

# Typecast

# Get all members at a specific day
df = utils.kantonsrat_as_dataframe(kantonsrat, datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 1))

Load Submissions

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

# Load file
df = pd.read_csv(Path('../export/geschaefte.csv'))

# Only Members if needed
df = df[df.erstunterzeichneristkantonsrat == True]

# To Datetime
df['start'] = pd.to_datetime(df['start'])
df['letzterschrittstart'] = pd.to_datetime(df['letzterschrittstart'])

Tagged speeches

import glob
import json
from pathlib import Path

records = []
for f in glob.glob(str(Path('../export/tags/*.json'))):
    records = records + json.load(open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8'))


# Members only, no Presidents
r_members = list(filter(lambda x: x['ismember'] == True, records))
r_members = list(filter(lambda x: x['funktion'] not in ['Präsidium', '2. Vizepräsidium', '1. Vizepräsidium'], r_members))


from pathlib import Path
import pickle

with open(Path('../export/nouns/nouns_m.txt'), 'rb') as fp:
    list_m = pickle.load(fp)

with open(Path('../export/nouns/nouns_w.txt'), 'rb') as fp:
    list_w = pickle.load(fp)

