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Ember applications have long life-cycles. A user may navigate to several pages and use many different features before they leave the application. This makes JavaScript and Ember development unlike Rails development, where the lifecycle of a request is short and the environment disposed of after each request. It makes Ember development much more like iOS or video game development than traditional server-side web development.

It is good to note that this isn't something inherent to just Ember. Any single-page app framework or solution (Angular, React, Vue, Backbone...) must deal this lifecycles of objects, and specifically with how async tasks can be bounded by a lifecycle.

There is a fantastic Ember addon, ember-concurrency that solves these problems in a very exciting and simple way. It is largely inspired by RxJS and the Observable pattern, both of which concern themselves with creating life-cycle-free async that, in practice, tend to be hard for developers to learn.

This addon introduces several utility methods to help manage async, object lifecycles, and the Ember runloop. These tools should provide a simple developer experience that allows engineers to focus on the business domain, and think less about the weird parts of working in a long-lived app.


ember install ember-lifeline

To use any of the below mentioned methods in your component, view or service, you will have to import and apply one or both of these mixins to your class:

  • ember-lifeline/mixins/run for using any of the *Task methods
  • ember-lifeline/mixins/dom for using addEventListener



tl;dr Call this.runTask(fn, timeout) on any component, view, or service to schedule work.

Use runTask where you might use setTimeout, setInterval, or Ember.run.later.

runTask will handle three common issues with the above APIs.

First, setTimeout and setInterval do not use the runloop. Ember uses a work queuing mechanism called the runloop . In order for the queues to flush without autoruns (a feature that helps devs be lazy in development but is disabled in tests and harms performance), a runloop must be added around a callstack. For example:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Component, run } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  init() {
    window.setTimeout(() => {
      run(() => {
        this.set('date', new Date);
    }, 500);

There are several ways to add runloops in the Ember API docs, but regardless it is less than ideal to need to remember and reason about this. Often Ember.run.later is used instead of setTimeout, for this reason. However that still has issues.

Second, none of setTimeout, setInterval or Ember.run.later bind the timeout to the lifecycle of the context object. If the example above is re-written to use Ember.run.later...

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Component, run } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  init() {
    run.later(() => {
      this.set('date', new Date);
    }, 500);

We're still making a dangerous assumption that this component instance still exists 500ms from now. In practice, especially with tests, objects scheduling timers may be destroyed by the time the timer fires. This causes a number of unexpected errors. To fix this, the codebase is littered with checks for isDestroyed state on objects retained after destruction:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Component, run } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  init() {
    run.later(() => {
      // First, check if this object is even valid
      if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
      this.set('date', new Date);
    }, 500);

The code above is correct, but again, less than simple to write. Instead, always use runTask. runTask entangles a timer with the lifecycle of the object scheduling the work. When the object is destroyed, the task is also cancelled.

Using runTask, the above can be written as:

import Ember from 'ember';
import RunMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/run';

const { Component } = Ember;

export default Component.extend(RunMixin, {
  init() {
    this.runTask(() => {
      this.set('date', new Date);
    }, 500);

And no need to worry about cancellation or the isDestroyed status of the object itself.


tl;dr Call this.debounceTask(methodName, timeout) on any component, view, or service to debounce work.

Debouncing is a common async pattern often used to manage user input. When a task is debounced with a timeout of 100ms, it first schedules the work for 100ms later. Then if the same task is debounced again with (again) a timeout of 100ms, the first timer is cancelled and a new one made for 100ms after the second debounce request. If no request to debounce that task is made for 100ms, the task executes.

Here is a good blog post about debounce and throttle patterns: jQuery throttle / debounce: Sometimes, less is more!

Debouncing is a pattern for managing scheduled work over time, and so it falls prey to some of the same faults as setTimeout. Again Ember provides Ember.run.debounce to handle the runloop aspect, but does not provide a simple solution for cancelling work when the object is destroyed.

Enter debounceTask. For example, no matter how quickly you click on this component, it will only report the time if you have stopped clicking for 500ms:

import Ember from 'ember';
import RunMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/run';

const { Component } = Ember;

export default Component.extend(RunMixin, {
  click() {
    this.debounceTask('reportTime', 500);
  reportTime() {
    this.set('time', new Date());

However if the component is destroyed, any pending debounce task will be cancelled.


tl;dr Call this.throttleTask(methodName, timeout) on any component, view, or service to throttle work.

When a task is throttled, it is executed immediately. For the length of the timeout, additional throttle calls are ignored. Again, like debounce, throttle falls prey to many issues shared by setTimeout, though fewer since the work itself is always run immediately. Regardless even just for consistency the API of throttleTask is presented:

import Ember from 'ember';
import RunMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/run';

const { Component } = Ember;

export default Component.extend(RunMixin, {
  click() {
    this.throttleTask('reportTime', 500);
  reportTime() {
    this.set('time', new Date());

In this example, the first click will update time, but clicks after that for 500ms will be disregarded. Then, the next click will fire and start a timeout window of its own.


tl;dr call this.pollTask(fn, label) on any component, view, or service to setup polling.

Use pollTask where you might reach for recursive this.runTask(fn, ms), Ember.run.later, setTimeout, and/or setInterval.

When using recursive runTask or run.later invocations causes tests to pause forever. This is due to the fact that the Ember testing helpers automatically wait for all scheduled tasks in the run loop to finish before resuming execution in the normal test context.

And as a reminder, setInterval should never be used. Say you setInterval(fn, 20);. Regardless of how long fn takes, a new call will be scheduled every 20ms. For example if fn took 80ms to run (not uncommon), then four new fn calls would be in the browser's event queue waiting to fire immediately. This causes memory issues (the queue may never flush) and performance problems. Instead, you should be scheduling new work after the previous work was done. For example:

import Component from 'ember-component';
import RunMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/run';

export default Component.extend(RunMixin, {
  init() {

  updateTime() {
    this.set('date', new Date());
    this.runTask(() => this.updateTime(), 20);

In this way the true delay between setting date is 20ms + time the rendering took.

However, more work is still needed since when used in an acceptance test, the snippet above will cause the test to never complete.

To avoid this testing "freezing" behavior, we would need to update the component to have different behavior when testing than when running in normal development / production. Typically, this is done something like:

import Ember from 'ember';
import Component from 'ember-component';
import RunMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/run';

export default Component.extend(RunMixin, {
  init() {

  updateTime() {
    this.set('date', new Date());

    if (!Ember.testing) {
      this.runTask(() => this.updateTime(), 20);

Unfortunately, this makes it very difficult to actually test that the polling is happening, and often times the polling behavior is itself either fundamental to the objects purpose or difficult enough to warrant its own tests.

This is where pollTask really shines. You could rewrite the above example to use pollTask like this:

import Component from 'ember-component';
import injectService from 'ember-service/inject';
import RunMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/run';

export default Component.extend(RunMixin, {
  time: injectService(),

  init() {

    this.pollTask('updateTime', 'updating-time#updateTime');

  updateTime(next) {
    let time = this.get('time');
    this.set('date', time.now());

    this.runTask(next, 20);

In development and production, the updateTime method is executed initially during the components init and then recursively called every 20ms after its processing finishes. When the component is destroyed (e.g. no longer rendered on screen) any pending timers from runTask or debounceTask calls are properly canceled (as usual with those methods).

In testing, the updateTime method would execute initially during the components instantiation (just like in development and production environments), but would not automatically start polling. This allows tests that are not related to the polling behavior to continue uninterrupted. To test the actual polling functionality, use the provided pollTaskFor helper:

import moduleForComponent from 'web-client/tests/helpers/module-for-component';
import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';
import { pollTaskFor } from 'web-client/mixins/context-bound-tasks';
import Service from 'ember-service';

let fakeNow;
moduleForComponent('updating-time', {
  integration: true,

  beforeEach() {
    this.register('service:time', Service.extend({
      now() {
        return fakeNow;

test('updating-time updates', function(assert) {
  fakeNow = new Date(2016);

    {{#updating-time as |time|}}

  assert.equal(this.$().text().trim(), fakeNow);

  return wait()
    .then(() => {
      fakeNow = new Date(2017);

      return wait();
    .then(() => {
      assert.equal(this.$().text().trim(), fakeNow);

A couple of helpful assertions are provided with the pollTask functionality:

  • A given label can only be used once. If the same label is used a second time, an error will be thrown.
  • If nothing has been queued for the given label, calling pollTaskFor(label) will trigger an error.


tl;dr call this.addEventListener(element, eventName, fn, options) on a component or view to add a jQuery event listener that will be automatically removed when the component is un-rendered.

Event listeners pose similar but different challenges. They likewise must have a runloop added around their callback, and are pinned to an object's lifecycle- in this case to the detachment of that component from the DOM (willDestroyElement). For example this is an idiomatic and correct way to add an event listener to the window in Ember:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Component, run } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  didInsertElement() {
    $(window).on(`scroll.${this.elementId}`, (e) => {
      run(() => {
        this.set('windowScrollOffset', e.clientY);
  willDestroyElement() {

This verbosity, and the need to do so many things right by hand, is very unfortunate. With addEventListener the above example can be re-written as:

import Ember from 'ember';
import DomMixin from 'ember-lifeline/mixins/dom';

const { Component } = Ember;

export default Component.extend(DomMixin, {
  didInsertElement() {
    this.addEventListener(window, 'scroll', (e) => {
      this.set('windowScrollOffset', e.clientY);

addEventListener will provide the runloop and automatically remove the listener when willDestroyElement is called. addEventListener provides several ways to specify an element:

// Attach to an element inside this component
this.addEventListener('.someClass', 'scroll', fn);

// Attach to a jQuery list
this.addEventListener(this.$('.someClass'), 'scroll', fn);
// Any jQuery list, even those outside the component
this.addEventListener($('.someClass'), 'scroll', fn);

// Attach to a DOM node
this.addEventListener(document.body, 'click', fn);

// Attach to window
this.addEventListener(window, 'scroll', fn);

{passive: true}

addEventListener accepts options as a fourth argument. Currently only a single option passive is accepted, and is defaulted to true. This option mirrors new options available on native APIs that can be passed to addEventListener. Passivity defaulting to true is done with an eye to performance.

Passivity refers to the ability for a handler to either preventDefault or, in our implementation, stopPropagation. In dev mode and testing, use of these APIs on the event object will raise an exception.


This addon was developed internally at Twitch, written originally by @mixonic and @rwjblue.

The name ember-lifeline was suggested by @nathanhammod.