
retro has no attribute make

HsnAtwi opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm getting a weird error when I'm running the deep Q learning space invaders example

" env = retro.make(game ='SpaceInvaders-Atari2600')
AttributeError: module 'retro' has no attribute 'make'
I installed the gym-retro and have python 3.6 working on windows 10
but I'm still new to this


That's strange. Sometimes it's because you called and import a file called and this create confusion.

Do you still have this issue ?

Yes I still have it, yeah at first I installed the wrong library(which gave me different kind of error), but then I uninstalled it and installed the gym-retro instead.

@HsnAtwi could you tell us how you debugged it? I'm having the same issue and there is no documented fix yet

I had the same issue.
I resolved it by:
pip uninstall retro and then pip install gym-retro
Apparently, retro is another package, so we need to specifically install gym-retro.