A QRCode scanner ANE for adobe flash iOS extension. Will scan barcodes using the zbar library
This QR Scanner uses ZBar iPhone library. It has a flash wrapper so you can connect to the Native Code via Actionscript so flash developers get native performance for scanning but speedy production from flash.
The original ZBar QR Scanner for iOS can be found here: http://zbar.sourceforge.net/iphone/sdkdoc/
Thanks to the ANE-Wizard here on github (thanks FreshPlanet) our files are organised in four folders.
- AS (The AS3 wrapper)
- Binaries (Where you will find the .ane file and the components that made that file)
- NativeAndroid (empty, sorry to mislead)
- NativeIOS (Xcode project for the native library)
To compile the ANE file, first configure the build.properties with your paths. Then call 'ant' in the directory with build.xml
Here is a snippet of how the actionscript side works:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import com.rancondev.extensions.qrzbar.QRZBar;
import com.rancondev.extensions.qrzbar.QRZBarEvent;
public class TestQRZBar extends Sprite
private var qrExtension:QRZBar;
public function TestQRZBar()
qrExtension = QRZBar.getInstance();
qrExtension.addEventListener(QRZBarEvent.SCANNED_BAR_CODE, onScan);
qrExtension.addEventListener(QRZBarEvent.CANCELED_SCAN, onCancel);
private function onScan(e:QRZBarEvent):void
trace("Scanned barcode: " + e.result);
private function onCancel(e:QRZBarEvent):void
trace("User canceled scan");