
Data analysis and visualisation mini-project using Python, Pandas and Matplotlib within a Jupyter Notebook

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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Data Analysis and Visualisation


This coding example is part of a Udemy Python course using Python Pandas library with JustPy to plot graphs from DataFrames onto web pages for interactive data visualisation. The source data is imported into a Pandas DataFrame from a .csv file and presented on a web page using JustPy Quasar pages and HighCharts.



  • Python3
    • Used to create the main application functionality


  • Pandas
    • Used to manipulate raw data from a csv file in a DataFrame
  • JustPy
    • Quasar WebPages are used to render http output pages
    • HighCharts JS code is used to render the charts within the WebPage.



The website was developed using Gitpod using Git pushed to GitHub, which hosts the repository. I made the following steps to deploy the site:

Cloning Data_Analysis_and_Visualisation from GitHub


Ensure the following are installed locally on your computer:

Cloning the GitHub repository

  • navigate to simonjvardy/Data_Analysis_and_Visualisation GitHub repository.
  • Click the Code button
  • Copy the clone url in the dropdown menu
  • Using your favourite IDE open up your preferred terminal.
  • Navigate to your desired file location.

Copy the following code and input it into your terminal to clone Sportswear-Online:

git clone https://github.com/simonjvardy/Data_Analysis_and_Visualisation.git

Creation of a Python Virtual Environment

Note: The process may be different depending upon your own OS - please follow this Python help guide to understand how to create a virtual environment.

Install the App dependencies and external libraries

  • In your IDE terminal window, install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file with the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Build the individual Quasar WebPages

  • In your IDE terminal window, enter:
python3 1-average-rating-day.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Average Rating by Day graph.

Ave. Rating by Day

python3 2-average-rating-week.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Average Rating by Week graph.

Ave. Rating by Week

python3 3-average-rating-month.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Average Rating by Month graph.

Ave. Rating by Month

python3 4-average-rating-month-course.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Average Rating by Month by Course graph.

Ave. Rating by Month by Course

python3 5-average-rating-month-course-stream.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Average Rating by Month by Course graph.

Ave. Rating by Month

python3 6-happiest-day-of-week.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Average Rating by Day of the Week graph indicating when the Students are happiest to leave a good review.

Happiest Day of the Week

python3 7-rating-count-by-course-pie.py

Output runs locally in a web browser using URL to show the Rating Count by Course pie chart.

Happiest Day of the Week
