
C++ program to find the distance between closest pair of points in three-dimensional space

Primary LanguageC++

Closest Pair of Points in 3D

A project I prepared in school for BLG 336E Analysis of Algorithms II course. It finds the distance between the closest pair of points in three dimensional space using divide-and-conquer algorithm. C++ programming language is used to develop the project. The compiled program needs a file name as argument which indicates the 3D coordinates of the points. The further and detailed information about the project can be found in the report file in report folder. The report reveals the time complexity is found as O(nlogn) in both theoretical and empirical analyses.


A C++ compiler with C++11 support is required to compile the source files. The data files must be formatted as follows:
First line: The total number of the points
Other lines: Each line specifies a point with X, Y and Z axes as integers with a space between axes.

You can examine the files in data folder to understand the data format.