
:shield: irulescan - static security analyzer for iRules

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static security analyzer for iRules

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irulescan is a tool to scan iRules for unexpected/unsafe expressions that may have undesirable effects like double substitution.

irulescan would not exist without tclscan.

It is available as a docker/container image as well as a Github Action irulescan-action.


It is easiest to use the irulescan container to scan your irules. It is available via docker hub as we as ghcr.io.

The container will recursively scan files within the /scandir folder of the container and return the result in YAML format. Files with the (case insensitive) extensions .tcl, .irul and .irule will be considered.

Command line

Scanning a directory ($PWD/tests/basic):

docker run --rm -v "$PWD/tests/basic:/scandir" simonkowallik/irulescan
/dangerous.tcl: |
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `1` in `expr 1 + $one`
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `+` in `expr 1 + $one`
  DANGEROUS: Dangerous unquoted expr at `$one` in `expr 1 + $one`
/ok.tcl: |
/warning.tcl: |
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `1` in `expr 1 + 1`
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `+` in `expr 1 + 1`
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `1` in `expr 1 + 1`

Scanning a single file ($PWD/tests/tcl/catch.tcl):

docker run --rm -v "$PWD/tests/tcl/catch.tcl:/scandir/catch.tcl" simonkowallik/irulescan
/catch.tcl: |
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `1` in `expr 1`
  WARNING: Unquoted expr at `2` in `expr 2`

Invoking irulescan directly:

docker run --rm simonkowallik/irulescan irulescan

The container ships with a simple shell script, scandir.sh, which can be invoked directly. This is especially useful when using a CI system with custom mount points (eg. /custom/path), here is an example:

docker run --rm \
  -v "$PWD/tests/tcl/:/custom/path" \
  simonkowallik/irulescan /scandir.sh /custom/path

Note: When using -t, --tty with docker run newlines will use CRLF ("Windows style") instead of LF ("unix style")

API Server

The irulescan container tag :apiserver ships with a simple Swagger / OpenAPI server.

Start the API server:

docker run -t --rm -p 80:80 simonkowallik/irulescan:apiserver

Scanning a single file:

curl -s http://localhost/scan/ --data-binary '@tests/basic/dangerous.tcl'

Scanning multiple files:

curl -s http://localhost/scanfiles/ -F 'file=@tests/basic/warning.tcl' -F 'file=@tests/basic/ok.tcl'

Here is a demo of the Swagger UI:


Additional resources

For safer authoring the VS Code iRules Extension is highly recommended: