
j2cli extension with focus on templating F5 iRules

Primary LanguagePython


CI Pipeline

j2f5 is a customization for j2cli, which again is a command line tool to template any kind of text based files using python's famous jinja2.

j2f5 focuses on F5 related code (specifically iRules), but isn't limited to it. It is supposed to be a relatively lightweight addition to j2cli.


  • adds ansible filters (when ansible is available)
  • supports custom jinja2 delimiters
  • sane formatting defaults

by example:

Copy and run this example:

cat <<EOF > configuration.yaml
# configuration.yaml
    heading: "Sorry :-("
    message: "Sorry, we can't serve your request right now."
    include_id: true

cat <<'EOF' > lb_sorry_page.irule.j2
# lb_sorry_page.irule.j2
when LB_FAILED {
    {# generate unique error_id and log when error.include_id is true #}
    {% if error.include_id %}
    set error_id [lindex [AES::key 128] 2]
    log local0.error "LB failed for [FLOW::this], error_id:$error_id"
    {% endif %}
    HTTP::respond 503 content "<html><body>
    {% if error.include_id %}
    <p>error_id: $error_id</p>
    {% endif %}
    </body></html>" Connection Close


j2 --customize j2f5.py lb_sorry_page.irule.j2 configuration.yaml \
    -o lb_sorry_page.irule

cat lb_sorry_page.irule

Will produce:

# lb_sorry_page.irule.j2
when LB_FAILED {
    set error_id [lindex [AES::key 128] 2]
    log local0.error "LB failed for [FLOW::this], error_id:$error_id"
    HTTP::respond 503 content "<html><body>
    <h1>Sorry :-(</h1>
    <p>Sorry, we can't serve your request right now.</p>
    <p>error_id: $error_id</p>
    </body></html>" Connection Close

In configuration.yaml set:

    include_id: false


j2 --customize j2f5.py lb_sorry_page.irule.j2 configuration.yaml \
    -o lb_sorry_page.irule

cat lb_sorry_page.irule

And observe the result:

# lb_sorry_page.irule.j2
when LB_FAILED {
    HTTP::respond 503 content "<html><body>
    <h1>Sorry :-(</h1>
    <p>Sorry, we can't serve your request right now.</p>
    </body></html>" Connection Close