
Gets the currently focused i3 window title through i3-msg

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT Go version Downloads goreleaser All Contributors

A small helper application to display the focused window's title in polybar, or similar.

It uses i3wm's official Go event subscription, so it updates instantly without polling.



Download from GitHub releases, and move it to one of your bin directories, which is in your $PATH.


The config file is YAML format, located in ~/.config/window_titles.yml:

# the icon to fall back to, if there is no mapping
# spaces to insert between the icon & window title
padding: 1
# auto-capitalize window titles, when they are not manually set.
capitalize: true

# show workspace info, when no window is focused.
  # turning this off will always show the last window title
  enabled: true 
  # icon and title mapping for the workspace placeholder
  title: Desktop

# mappings for each application
# class is the WM_CLASS, which you can get via xprop.
# NB: you can ignore casing, it doesn't matter if lower/uppercase
- class: firefox
  title: Firefox
- class: Pcmanfm
  title: PCManFM
- class: org.wezfurlong.wezterm
  title: WezTerm
  # you can use YAML anchors, to use icons again...
  icon: &term 
- class: kitty
  # ...like this:
  icon: *term
  title: Kitty
  # if this is enabled, the native title is shown,
  # as well as the mapped title.
  # e.g. Kitty [~/]
  show_native_title: true

# you can customize the separators for the
# 'show_native_title' titles. the conf below would show:
# 'Kitty (~/)' instead of 'Kitty [~/]'
  start: "("
  end: ")"

Usage (polybar)

type = custom/script
exec = i3-window-title

; important! this is required to only show the last printed line in the bar
tail = true

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):




🤔 📓

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!