
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Clone of the Sokoban game, using Phaser

This is based on a simple Webpack 2.x template for use with Phaser and ES6/2015.

My first full-production game in Phaser, so please forgive me for code issues.

Levels have been developed using the awesome Tiled Map Editor. Guidelines for making your own levels are included below.

Getting Started

You need Node.js and npm.

Clone the repository (or download the ZIP file)

git clone https://github.com/simonma10/sokoban

Install dependencies

npm install



Run a development build...

npm run dev

Your ES6 code will be transpiled into ES5 and concatenated into a single file called bundle.js. A sourcemap for your code will also be included (by default bundle.js.map). Phaser modules and dependencies will be transpiled and concatenated into vendor.bundle.js, with a sourcemap (vendor.bundle.js.map).

Any modification to the files inside the ./src and ./static folder will trigger a full page reload.

If you modify the contents of other files, please manually restart the server.


Run a production build:

npm run prod

Creates production-ready bundle.js and vendor.bundle.js in the \dist folder.


Run eslint:

npm run test

Using Tiled to create levels

First of all, download and install the Tiled Map Editor. It's free to download, but please support the developer.

Currently, Sokoban has a few rules in place:

Map Format

  • Maps are orthogonal
  • width = 16 tiles
  • height = 16 tiles
  • files should be saved as soko000.json - replace the 000 with the actual level number.


The tileset I'm using is stored in static\images\sokoban_tilesheet.png. Make sure you add this tilesheet, and ensure it has the same name - sokoban_tilesheet

Map Layers

Maps have three layers, to keep things simple, and make it super easy to develop new levels:

  1. Background: ensure this is of type Tile Layer and is called backgroundLayer. Nothing interacts with this layer, so you can include whatever tiles you want!
  2. Blocks: make sure this is of type Tile Layer and is called blockingLayer. This is the layer with the walls: the player and the crates cannot move through these.
  3. Objects: make sure this is of type Object Layer and is called objectLayer. More information about this layer in the next section

Map Objects

Sokoban expects three types of objects for the game to work properly:

  1. Player Object. This is just a placeholder, so may not look the same in the game (the actual spritesheet used is static\images\player.png). However, to link up this object with the sprite in the game, make sure the Type is set to player, and add a custom property sprite with the value playerSprite.
  2. Crates. Same as Player - make sure they are type crate, with custom property sprite = crateSprite.
  3. Parking Spots. Same again, make sure they are type spot, with custom property sprite = spotSprite.


Please report any bugs or add requests on Github Issues.


This project is released under the MIT License (even though it should be spelt 'Licence').


Respect to the owners of the following projects:


