Bandcamp mass unzipper

A script to recursively find and unzip bandcamp FLAC downloads. Files will be unzipped into a folder with the same name as the zip file.

I made this because I am lazy and hate unzipping these files manually...


NodeJS 12.x.x NPM 6.x.x


  • clone the repo

do an extraction only pass first

  • node index --path "path/to/folder" [--verbose] [--force]

if no errors happen and a manual check looks good, clean up the zip files

  • node index --path "path/to/folder" [--cleanup] [--verbose]


--path "path/to/folder"

Specify the path to a folder that contains the zip files or has sub folders that contain the zip files. Relative paths will be from the folder you are currently in


Use at your own peril!!!

Removes the zip file after extraction. Also, if the folder the zip file is being extracted into has MP3 files of the same name, they will be removed.


Displays some more information


Force overwriting the FLAC file already exists