
Python and C code that controls a Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython

Revision History:

June 2nd 2021 - First release 
June 5th 2021 - Uppdated to run on Python 3.7


Three programs are available here:


This is an electronic musical instrument - it is a polyphonic multitimbral synthesizer that can handle up to 8 audio channels.
It requires a MOS6581 IC wired to a Raspberry Pi according to the schematics. It is configured to use a KeyLab88 keyboard for input.
Code can be easily modified to work with other keyboards and also other single chip synthesizers


Plays C64 songs on one or more SID boards
Does not require a MIDI keyboard. Just a SID or two, or six.


Plays C64 songs on one or more SID boards
Knobs and sliders on a Keylab88 have been assigned to control delay, volume and pitch

To compile the C library for the sid_driver.py file to use, type:

gcc -Wall -pthread -shared -o sid_lib.so sid_lib.c -lpigpio 

Longer documentation will be available soon. The source code is extensively commented.