
Queue and stack semantics on top of CubDB

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION

Hex Version docs


An embedded queue and stack abstraction in Elixir on top of CubDB.

It implements persistent local (double-ended) queue and stack semantics.


CubQ is given a CubDB process and a queue identifier upon start:

{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "my/data/directory")
{:ok, pid} = CubQ.start_link(db: db, queue: :my_queue_id)


Queue semantics are implemented by the enqueue and dequeue functions:

CubQ.enqueue(pid, :one)
#=> :ok

CubQ.enqueue(pid, :two)
#=> :ok

#=> {:ok, :one}

#=> {:ok, :two}

# When there are no more items in the queue, `dequeue` returns `nil`:

#=> nil

Note that items can be any Elixir (or Erlang) term:

CubQ.enqueue(pid, %SomeStruct{foo: "bar"})
#=> :ok

#=> {:ok, %SomeStruct{foo: "bar"}}

The queue is actually double-ended, so items can be prepended too:

CubQ.enqueue(pid, :one)
#=> :ok

CubQ.prepend(pid, :zero)
#=> :ok

#=> {:ok, :zero}


Stack semantics are implemented by the push and pop functions:

CubQ.push(pid, :one)
#=> :ok

CubQ.push(pid, :two)
#=> :ok

#=> {:ok, :two}

#=> {:ok, :one}

# When there are no more items in the stack, `pop` returns `nil`:

#=> nil

Mixing things up

As the underlying data structure used for stacks and queues is the same, queue and stack semantics can be mixed on the same queue.

At-least-once semantics

When multiple consumers are taking items from a queue, and "at least once" semantics are required, the dequeue_ack and pop_ack functions allow to explicitly acknowledge the successful consumption of an item, or else put it back in the queue after a given timeout elapses:

CubQ.enqueue(pid, :one)
#=> :ok

CubQ.enqueue(pid, :two)
#=> :ok

{:ok, item, ack_id} = CubQ.dequeue_ack(pid, 3000)
#=> {:ok, :one, ack_id}

# If 3 seconds elapse without `ack` being called, or if `nack` is called, the
# item `:one` is put back to the queue, so it can be consumed again.

# When successful consumption is confirmed by calling `ack`, the item
# is finally discarded and won't be put back in the queue anymore:
CubQ.ack(pid, ack_id)
#=> :ok


The package can be installed by adding cubq to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:cubq, "~> 0.3.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/cubq.