When using multiple action cams pointing in multiple directions, there is a lot of processing to do before uploading. These scripts helps with that.
These scripts are shell scripts, that must be run by a shell like Bash. Windows users can use cygwin. You must additionally install exiftool.
Detailed description of the scripts. They can some times be run without arguments or -h
to see what arguments they require.
Folder with script that are outdated, usually for an older Mapillary API.
Runs Mapillary preprocessing on all images in the specified path. Run with -h to read the help with arguments.
Uploads the images in the specified folder. Specify . to upload images in the current folder.
Runs processing for a set of video files turning them into images that can be uploaded. Run it with -h to see help.
Renames files in sub folders, so all files are in a single structure. If a files path is FOLDER_001/FILE_001.jpg
it will be named FOLDER_001_FILE_001.jpg
Used internally by reverse-geotagging.sh
Finds all folders named .qiv-trash
(created by the Quick Image Viewer qiv) and puts their contents in a folder named removed
Moves images with shutter speed less than a certain value. Note that e.g. my Garmin Virb Elete tags all images as having 1/15 sec shutter speed, even though it is wrong. Usually 50 is a good value for walking while 100 - 150 is minimum for bicycle and car.
Creates a gpx file from a folder of geotagged images. In this way you can geotag cameras with the location data created by another camera.
Given a single image as argument, a browser is opened with an Open Street Map and a marker on the location. The image is also opened in the default image viewer.
Add proper help switch to new scripts.