
Simple wrapper around JCE to initialise with keys from environment variables

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


Provides an ultra simple wrapper around Java's Cryptography extension (JCE) and factory methods for AES 128 Bit symmetric key ciphers, and RSA 2048 Bit asymmetric key ciphers with encryption/decryption methods. See unit test cases for details.

Building from source

Use maven to build:

mvn clean package


Declare as dependency in maven


Using the library from code

  1. Use AsymmetricRSAKeyPairGenerator to create public/private keys (for asymmetric cipher) and save them to disk.

    mvn -q exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.simonmittag.cryptoutils.asymmetric.AsymmetricRSAKeyPairGenerator"

  2. Create a random 16 byte String each for symmetric secret key and init vector (for the symmetric cipher).

  3. put cryptoutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in your classpath, then use it like so from within code, replacing the property values with the base64 (UTF-8 Strings are ok for symmetric) encoded keys you generated in #1 and #2:



    System.setProperty("SYMMETRIC_SECRET_KEY", "16_BYTE_SYMMETRIC_KEY"); System.setProperty("INIT_VECTOR", "16_BYTE_INIT_VECTOR");

3b) alternatively define the above properties as unix environment variables on the shell before starting the Java process that contains the client code.

  1. Create a cipher by using the Facade class in either package like so:

    SimpleCipher cipher = new CipherFacade();

    String encrypted = cipher.encrypt("Hello World"); String decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted);

Known Issues

Cryptoutils was tested on Oracle JDK8+ with the built-in JCE provider. Other environments may vary


Cryptoutils uses the Apache license.