
let's you browse the web using ruby, water and chrome

Primary LanguageRuby

Start Browsing now with Ruby, Watir and Chrome!

simply clone this repo and start surfing 😉

What do you need to learn?

  • browser controls are handled by Watir
  • scrape content like a boss with Nokogiri

That's it! Now go, automate stuff!

all the ruby it takes, it as simple as this demo

# load object
require_relative '../headless-chrome-browser/headless_chrome_browser'

# setup headless selenium / chrome 
headless_browser_master = HeadlessChromeBrowser.new

# init new browser window
browser = headless_browser_master.new_browser

# visit google

# scrape content with nokogiri
html_content = Nokogiri::HTML(browser.html)
title = html_content.css("title").text

puts "This website's title is: #{title}"

# close your browser, always tidy up ;-)

Well, how do I handle the whale? Docker is new to me!

  1. clone this repo
  2. navigate to the directory with your terminal
  3. $ docker image build . -t headless-watir-ruby
  4. $ docker run --rm headless-watir-ruby

if you changed the code in your main.rb? no problem, build the image again ($ docker image build . -t headless-watir-ruby) before running it 😉