
Prometheus exporter for the Restic backup system

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Prometheus exporter for the Restic backup system.


Form source code


pip install -r /requirements.txt

export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE=/restic_password_file
python restic-exporter.py


Docker images are available in GHCR and DockerHub.

docker pull ghcr.io/ngosang/restic-exporter
docker pull ngosang/restic-exporter

Supported Architectures

The architectures supported by this image are:

  • linux/386
  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm/v6
  • linux/arm/v7
  • linux/arm64/v8
  • linux/ppc64le
  • linux/s390x


Compatible with docker-compose v2 schemas:

version: '2.1'
    image: ngosang/restic-exporter
    container_name: restic-exporter
      - TZ=Europe/Madrid
      - RESTIC_PASSWORD=<password_here>
      # - RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE=</file_with_password_here>
      - REFRESH_INTERVAL=1800 # 30 min
      - /host_path/restic/data:/data
      - "8001:8001"
    restart: unless-stopped

docker cli

docker run -d \
  --name=restic-exporter \
  -e TZ=Europe/Madrid \
  -e RESTIC_PASSWORD=<password_here> \
  -p 8001:8001 \
  --restart unless-stopped \


This Prometheus exporter is compatible with all backends supported by Restic. Some of them need additional environment variables for the secrets.

All configuration is done with environment variables:

  • RESTIC_REPOSITORY: Restic repository URL. All backends are supported. Examples:

    • Local repository: /data
    • REST Server: rest:http://user:password@
    • Amazon S3: s3:s3.amazonaws.com/bucket_name
    • Backblaze B2: b2:bucketname:path/to/repo
    • Rclone (see notes below): rclone:gd-backup:/restic
  • RESTIC_PASSWORD: Restic repository password in plain text. This is only required if RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE is not defined.

  • RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE: File with the Restic repository password in plain text. This is only required if RESTIC_PASSWORD is not defined. Remember to mount the Docker volume with the file.

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: (Optional) Required for Amazon S3, Minio and Wasabi backends.

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: (Optional) Required for Amazon S3, Minio and Wasabi backends.

  • B2_ACCOUNT_ID: (Optional) Required for Backblaze B2 backend.

  • B2_ACCOUNT_KEY: (Optional) Required for Backblaze B2 backend.

  • REFRESH_INTERVAL: (Optional) Refresh interval for the metrics in seconds. Computing the metrics is an expensive task, keep this value as high as possible. Default is 60 seconds.

  • LISTEN_PORT: (Optional) The address the exporter should listen on. The default is 8001.

  • LISTEN_ADDRESS: (Optional) The address the exporter should listen on. The default is to listen on all addresses.

  • LOG_LEVEL: (Optional) Log level of the traces. The default is INFO.

  • EXIT_ON_ERROR: (Optional) Shutdown exporter on any restic error. Default is Flase (only log error, such as network error with Cloud backends).

  • NO_CHECK: (Optional) Do not perform restic check operation for performance reasons. Default is False (perform restic check).

  • NO_STATS: (Optional) Do not collect per backup statistics for performance reasons. Default is False (collect per backup statistics).

  • NO_LOCKS: (Optional) Do not collect the number of locks. Default is False (collect the number of locks).

  • INCLUDE_PATHS: (Optional) Include snapshot paths for each backup. The paths are separated by commas. Default is False (not collect the paths).

Configuration for Rclone

Rclone is not included in the Docker image. You have to mount the Rclone executable and the Rclone configuration from the host machine. Here is an example with docker-compose:

version: '2.1'
    image: ngosang/restic-exporter
    container_name: restic-exporter
      - TZ=Europe/Madrid
      - RESTIC_REPOSITORY=rclone:gd-backup:/restic
      - REFRESH_INTERVAL=1800 # 30 min
      - /host_path/restic/data:/data
      - /usr/bin/rclone:/usr/bin/rclone:ro
      - /host_path/restic/rclone.conf:/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:ro
      - "8001:8001"
    restart: unless-stopped

Exported metrics

# HELP restic_check_success Result of restic check operation in the repository
# TYPE restic_check_success gauge
restic_check_success 1.0
# HELP restic_locks_total Total number of locks in the repository
# TYPE restic_locks_total counter
restic_locks_total 1.0
# HELP restic_snapshots_total Total number of snapshots in the repository
# TYPE restic_snapshots_total counter
restic_snapshots_total 100.0
# HELP restic_backup_timestamp Timestamp of the last backup
# TYPE restic_backup_timestamp gauge
restic_backup_timestamp{client_hostname="product.example.com",client_username="root",client_version="restic 0.16.0",snapshot_hash="20795072cba0953bcdbe52e9cf9d75e5726042f5bbf2584bb2999372398ee835",snapshot_tag="mysql",snapshot_tags="mysql,tag2",snapshot_paths="/mysql/data,/mysql/config"} 1.666273638e+09
# HELP restic_backup_files_total Number of files in the backup
# TYPE restic_backup_files_total counter
restic_backup_files_total{client_hostname="product.example.com",client_username="root",client_version="restic 0.16.0",snapshot_hash="20795072cba0953bcdbe52e9cf9d75e5726042f5bbf2584bb2999372398ee835",snapshot_tag="mysql",snapshot_tags="mysql,tag2",snapshot_paths="/mysql/data,/mysql/config"} 8.0
# HELP restic_backup_size_total Total size of backup in bytes
# TYPE restic_backup_size_total counter
restic_backup_size_total{client_hostname="product.example.com",client_username="root",client_version="restic 0.16.0",snapshot_hash="20795072cba0953bcdbe52e9cf9d75e5726042f5bbf2584bb2999372398ee835",snapshot_tag="mysql",snapshot_tags="mysql,tag2",snapshot_paths="/mysql/data,/mysql/config"} 4.3309562e+07
# HELP restic_backup_snapshots_total Total number of snapshots
# TYPE restic_backup_snapshots_total counter
restic_backup_snapshots_total{client_hostname="product.example.com",client_username="root",client_version="restic 0.16.0",snapshot_hash="20795072cba0953bcdbe52e9cf9d75e5726042f5bbf2584bb2999372398ee835",snapshot_tag="mysql",snapshot_tags="mysql,tag2",snapshot_paths="/mysql/data,/mysql/config"} 1.0
# HELP restic_scrape_duration_seconds Amount of time each scrape takes
# TYPE restic_scrape_duration_seconds gauge
restic_scrape_duration_seconds 166.9411084651947

Prometheus config

Example Prometheus configuration:

  - job_name: 'restic-exporter'
      - targets: ['']

Prometheus / Alertmanager rules

Example Prometheus rules for alerting:

  - alert: ResticCheckFailed
    expr: restic_check_success == 0
    for: 5m
      severity: critical
      summary: Restic check failed (instance {{ $labels.instance }})
      description: Restic check failed\n  VALUE = {{ $value }}\n  LABELS = {{ $labels }}

  - alert: ResticOutdatedBackup
    # 1209600 = 15 days
    expr: time() - restic_backup_timestamp > 1209600
    for: 0m
      severity: critical
      summary: Restic {{ $labels.client_hostname }} / {{ $labels.client_username }} backup is outdated
      description: Restic backup is outdated\n  VALUE = {{ $value }}\n  LABELS = {{ $labels }}

Grafana dashboard

There is a reference Grafana dashboard in grafana/grafana_dashboard.json.