an HPC-based strategy to perform graphical pairwise sequence alignment to speed up execution times at genomic level, in order to provide tools for analyzing huge amount of data produced by large scale projects such as the 10K plant genomes, and the Earth BioGenome.
G-SAIP was developed using Python 3.8 and with support of parallel computing using mpi4py. G-SAIP is a DNA graphical aligner that takes advantage of MashMap 56 for sequence alignment due to its speed. It requires input parameters as the reference and query sequence in FASTA format that must be declared in the command line execution to calculate the dot-plot. Also, G-SAIP uses Python libraries such as Biopython, numpy, and matplotlib.
We highly recommend to use and install Python3 packages within an Anaconda enviroment. To create, execute the command below:
conda create -n G_SAIP python=3.8
conda activate G_SAIP
Then install required Python packages
conda install -c conda-forge biopython
conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c anaconda mpi4py
Install prerequisite
conda install -c bioconda mashmap
conda install -c bioconda ragtag
Finally, download G-SAIP
git clone
To get help, run:
mpirun -np 1 python3 -h
Usage: mpirun -np python3 -q file.fasta ... [options]